Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lasalle Prussian vs French 1814

Lasalle game today with Stephen using my Prussians against his Young Guard. French were attackers but with rain and mud their chance of success fairly minimal (as their eight turns barely allowed them to reach my set up zone even in march column) no complaints on Prussian side ! still an interesting game with French having 4 batteries of Artillery (2 x 3 guns batteries with reserve unit) and Prussians having 5 on table Cavalry units (3 Landwehr 1 Dragoon & 1 Hussar). French Artillery fairly pounded my center blasting my Foot artillery and Line Infantry unit. Draw in end mud slowed all progress.

Prussian center

French reserve arrives

Prussian right around the Chateau

Prussian mounted wing advances

French deploy beyond the town

French Artillery dominates the center

Initial French central deployment

Both armies at deployment

Prussian center suffers disruptions from French artillery (Prussian battery already destroyed)

Both sides vie for position at the Chateau on Prussian right (game ended before they got to grips)

Prussian mounted force French into squares but are repelled

Prussian Horse artillery keeps enemy right at bay

Initial French move

French reserve deploys adjacent to town

Prussian deployment

French deployment

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

FOG Ancients Early Crusader vs Seljuk Turk

Another pics only as no time to waffle (not much to waffle about in this one as pretty awful watching Knights relentlessly chase LH & LF to no avail, FOG at its most boring/frustrating I fear)

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Monday, June 06, 2011

Followers a bit of a milestone

Followers (50)

Just noticed I now have 50 followers (the fools !!) on blog which if I recall correctly had a mere 5 at start of year.  Am actually quite touched (in more ways than one some would say) for interest in what is essentially just a wee diary/log of my wargaming misadventures and bad photography skills. 

Of course I am a follower of at least double that number of blogs !! :-)

FOG Ancients Game Mid Republican Romans vs Later Selecuid

Played another practice FOG Ancients game today at Stephens using two well matched armies, my Punic Romans versus Stephens Selecuids. Quite a lot of terrain although none of it very important. Selecuid Cataphracts are pretty mean but one did succumb to a combined combat with Roman Cavalry and Elephant unit on their flank. Phalanx and Legions squared off but a few lucky shots prior to impact from Selecuid side saw three (!!) Roman units disrupted in one turn with subsequent weakening in impact and melee phases. One Pike unit in difficulties but managed to pass several Cohesion Tests whilst its colleagues withstood Romans and then gained upper hand (mainly die to failed death rolls by Romans). A rout on one end of Roman line left a hole that only a lone two base Triarii unit could try to fill and things then went quickly south for blokes from Italy as several units routed. Must say a great game that flowed very smoothly with few rules queries and plenty of action. Stephen seem quite taken with FOG (in lieu of being jaded with Dbmm) and to be honest they are very playable and have feel of 7th edition WRG (which we used to enjoy) in so many ways. Bit dice-tastic but thats not necessarily a bad thing. If the new version that is being play-tested could curb skirmishers a bit and maybe add more restrictive Command and Control they would be hard to resist despite lack of weather/inertia/stratagems of Dbmm. Must give Hail Caesar a trial.

Selecuid center

Light Cavalry on Selecuid right

Pergamene Allies deploy on Roman right

Selecuid left wing

Roman left

Phalanx with lights to fore

Phalanx trundles forward

Light troops battle for a field

Cataphracts slam into Roman Cavalry

Roman Elephants threaten flank of Cataphracts whilst Legions and Phalanx square up

General engagement across the center about to commence