Sunday, February 23, 2025

Passing of a wargaming art legend

Just heard last night of sudden passing on 21st of Roger B MacGowan (Born 1948).

So many of my early board Wargame purchases featured his iconic artwork and several are embedded in the gaming mythos.

Sad to see another 'name' gone.

Several examples with probably my favourite being the Squad Leader box lid


  1. Thanks Gary, Sad news indeed.

    1. Anonymous1:26 pm

      Had heard he had suddenly fallen very ill but this seems unexpected. Maybe the stress of losing home etc in LA fires took its toll ?

  2. Very sad news. Roger made his mark with his distinctive style of cover art. He leaves behind a lasting legacy.

    1. Anonymous6:53 pm

      The list of his game artwork on BGG is simply awesome

    2. It sure is! Many of my favorite covers are his work.

  3. They are beaut examples. Using a blend of sections from iconic photographs to create iconic cover art. I only played a couple of those, but can recall the box art of them all.
    [I preferred the original, Jedko cover for the Russian Campaign, but that was simply a reproduced photograph, I think. In checking my recollection I saw the price that people are hoping to get for them on rip-off bay. My goodness!]
    Regards, James

    1. Yes iconic style and those are simply some of those in my collection, but his body of work across many publishers is impressive. So many memories from my younger days with his art and Avalon Hill as well.
