Saturday, September 12, 2020

No Retreat! The Russian Front played


Game with my Dad of No Retreat! The Russian Front.

Such an excellent and playable game Russian Front.

We started with the standard Op Barbarossa scenario and played through to Turn 12 (March -April 1943) just as Initiative turns to Soviets.

Great game and Dad close to an auto-win on Turn 3 being just 1 VP shy.

We saw Leningrad fall, Moscow threatened and roving Cauldron type battles around Moscow and Kharkov as Soviet strength grew.

Great stuff in a very playable format.

We used 1st Edition rules but will try updated 3rd edition rules at some point.

Poor pics as lighting not phone-camera friendly


  1. You’re a lucky guy , Gary , having your Dad to play with . My family have always considered me to be barking mad for loving Wargames. šŸ˜„

    1. Well he gets blame for my addiction especially as he is ex Army :-)

  2. My dad, who fought in WW2 and was in the Army Reserves for 20+, retiring as a Lt Colonel (Corps of Engineers) supported me in my hobby, but never really had any interest in wargames at all. :-)
