After some input from author Bob Jones pointing a major error I made with rules I decided to re-set my solo run through.
The loss of 'only' the units inherent resource value definitely makes a huge difference to how the game plays with regard to the all important use of Resources for each Command.
I had several similar Combat outcomes as in first run through but with losses of 0-5 per unit instead on sometimes double that amount in last game.
This of course makes the 'energy' of each Command much greater (although the temptation to do more/too much rears its head).
The new Inter-phase really comes into its own and creates more decisions as units that have a 'Black dice' do not Restore their unit yield to Resource Pool so one is faced with a diminished Pool but with decision to use some of this under-powered Pool to try to Rally units (thereby contributing their dice in next Inter-phase at least hopefully) or retain for Action phases.
A real Command decision.............
Even on only second run through I am finding it much easier to play and indeed recall the various Free Dice and Re-rolls mostly.
As Bob pointed out the decision in a loss of 6 or less in Combat (Melee or Ranged Firing) is another decision point as a small loss margin of 1-2 seems usually a no brainer but once it get to 3-4 or 5-6 a Disordered Retreat is often a more desirable option.
With potentially large moves (due to combinations of Resource, Free and Command dice) Cavalry are a potent weapon as they can charge stuff at a fair distance.
In game I managed to charge with three Prussian mounted units over 20" each into contact with advancing French Horse and a deployed Horse Artillery units.
If when rolling for a charge (and from beyond 12") one rolls and doubles these generate extra Free Dice as a sort of impetus bonus.
If unit rolls any trebles (or fails to make distance) it becomes Disordered but I was lucky enough not to do so.
The extra dice tipped the ensuing melees in Prussian favour pushing back two French Cuirassier units (one 'gaining' a black dice) and destroying outright (13+ dice difference) the hapless gun battery which failed to shoot off the Hussars hurtling toward them).
Enjoyable stuff.
My only caveat (which I have with Field Of Glory and to a degree with original PIquet) is that not so sure Napoleonic Warfare is fully represented by which I mean lack of lower level Skirmishers and Hasty style Squares (ie Infantry rather easily caught in Line/Column by mounted) does not always 'feel' right if thinking of units as Battalions.
Less jarring if classing a unit as Regiments or Brigades.
But these are of course abstractions which aid fast play and are same for both sides.
I think the rules possibly suit early 18th Century Linear Warfare better overall.
Aftermath of Prussian Cavalry charge and melee (Horse artillery noticeably absent)
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