Playing a solo game to trial Combat Action Command rules (by Lee Sowers) a Company level set I obtained last year but only getting around to trying.
Set up a Normandy style table with simple encounter between British and Germans.
Nice set of rules with a 'Combat Action Command' CAC action being its unique system.
Essentially once per turn in either the enemy movement or in the joint fire phase or during your own movement you can use a CAC action to interrupt your or enemy action to Fire or Move.
If both sides declare a CAC they dice to see who goes first (a draw equals simultaneous actions).
Initiative is rolled for each turn (you chose to move first then fire then enemy moves) and this leads to several decisions as to how or indeed if to use CAC in differing situations.
Units are Infantry Teams (Squads/Sections) organized into Platoons (6-9 Teams) with HQ and Heavy Weapons teams.
AFV teams are individual vehicles but can be in Platoons/Troops with one AFV acting as HQ.
The system uses unit data cards for each Platoon, AFV and Weapon team.
These cards include all data used in game including Firepower, Movement and each Team/Platoons own individual Hit Chart plus a few other special notes and suchlike.
Basic game had cards for US Germans and Russians with an addition expansion pack including British.
All firmly late war (1944-45) types although other packs may be available of which I am unaware ?
Infantry teams roll differing numbers of D6 depending on their Sighting of enemy units such as Sighted (fully seen), Suppressing fire (known but not sighted) and Searching fire (Recon by fire) with varied hit numbers depending on range and cover.
Outcomes can be stuff such as Panicked, Strength Hit, Retreated or KIA
AFV combat is a 2D6 to hit system with fairly standard modifiers for Cover, Movement, Size etc with varied To Hit numbers based on range.
Anti-armour stats are interesting in that its a strike value XD6 +X vs defence value XD6 + X.
So for instance a 75mm L40 might hit a Sherman rolling 3D6 +10 with Sherman rolling 2D6 +11 for frontal defence. If the strike exceeds the defence the difference is added to a D20 roll on target defence table for a variety of results such as Track/Wheel hit, Shaken, Panic, Retreated, Mobility Kill, Firepower Kill, a K-Kill (Knocked out) or a full 'brew-up.
I have not delved into Indirect/HE fire as yet but looks to be straightforward system with accuracy rolls and a drift dice.
Nice use of an A4 sheet (well its US equivalent) folded into 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 or 1/16 for various HE strike zones.
Only played a couple of turns thus far and Infantry not really engaged but the AFV combat is enjoyable.
Am also trying out a new table covering I obtained via EBay.
Sample pages and a unit card for M4 Sherman
The table with new mat
Panzer Grenadiers advancing
PzIVh Platoon moves to engage enemy armour around a farm complex
More Grenadiers on left (with a vintage unpainted Roco Minitanks Kubelwagen)
British Platoon (8 Sections an HMG a Piat a Light Mortar and a Platoon HQ)
British Tank Troop
British Platoon in ploughed Bocage lined field
Passing RAF photo
Tanks engaged with 2 permanent Mobility 'kills' and Firefly Shaken (this can be Rallied off)
Infantry approaching each other but rise blocks sight lines
British Infantry moves up in support of stalled armour
As Panzer deploy around farm and orchards
Grenadiers hide in wheat and orchards