Saturday, April 03, 2010

Piquet Cartouche II

Off in England at brothers for few days and upon my return Piquet Cartouche II has arrived. Excellent ! more rule reading in store.............the addiction continues..............


  1. hey gary,
    im an MnR player as you know but what can you tell us about Minden Rose and Cartouche 2?

    are they the same level as MnR or are they battaltion level rules.

    particularly interested in the basing.

  2. Hi

    Minden Rose is Bttn level.

    Cartouche 2 has Battalion and Regimental levels included.

    Basing for MinRose is essentially 16 fig per Inf Bttn with 4 Inf figs per base in 2 ranks. Cav is 8 figs in one rank 2 per base.
    Any basing width/depth will suffice as long as oppossing sides are compatible.

    Basing for Cart2 is units of 12 Inf figs or 8 Cav per unit based in single ranks with 3 Inf or 2 Cav per base. Again as long as oppossing forces are based similarily it has no effect on game.

    My 10mm/15mm stuff is not based optimally for either set but makes no real difference in gameplay.

