Played 400pt DBR game with Stephen for a change
I used my TYW Catholic Imperialist and Stephen his Ottoman Turks
I had great terrain (big hill centrally) upon which I deployed 2 ArtO in breastworks flanked by Pk/Sh with Pistols & LH on wings...........................BUT......................through a very specific combo of dice rolls Stephen was able to conduct a night attack on my static force. He had 6 turnns of fast moves during Dusk followed by 30+ moves at night.
A mistake in my deployment (no pickets deployed) allowed him to basically surround my entire army and assault it at daybreak before a single Imperialist had moved !
Result of course inevitable especially as my CIC was charged to rear and whose death killed another 2 Pistols (6ME gone !) After a mere 2 turns of combat game was over............................
Still fun stuff that DbX games allow.
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