Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Dbmm Medieval German vs HYW English

Dbmm game last night versus Stephen using early Medieval German against his HYW English (how I hate this army !). Lots of early manoeuvring but once English machine guns (BwS) opened up it was lost cause. Even in melee they are tough especially with second rank and counting overlaps. Small but then so are Medieval Germans. Still good game as ever but as ever rather one-sided.................................

English deployment

Initial Pips (group to rear are Mounted Infantry)

German deployment

Leidang allies watch English advance


  1. How did you organize the german list? Always interested to see Med Ger army lists...

  2. Hi Lorenzo

    My list was old one not updated for latest draft so contains a few mistakes but here it is

    CIC RKnO (T)
    5 RKnO
    4 iLhF
    2 RPsO

    SG RKno (T)
    1 RKnO
    12 iSpI
    4 RBdI
    8 RPsO

    SG RKnO (T)
    4 RKnO
    4 iLhF

    Leidang Ally
    SG iBdO
    2 iBdO
    8 iBdI
    2 iBwO

    Baggage 6 iBgF
    Army 63ME

    The iSpI were Heerban which are now Hd but now one can have RSpI (better) with some RBwO Crossbowmen. Also RPso can support the BdI. Would probably drop the Leidang and have 3 Cmds with massed Sp and Bd in 1 Cmd.


    Interesting to have
