Played a Dbmm game today at Stephens using my Galatians (with borrowed Seleucid ally) against Stephen's Han Chinese. Both looking to try armies for up coming Celtic Cup competition here in Belfast. Boy oh boy are the Galatians frustrating to use against a Regular army that simply moves out of the way of the slow unwieldy warband blocks. Knew that from previous games of course but one always expects more of these wild barbarian types ! Any juicy Han targets simply melted away from the warband advance and they faced LhS mostly. One block that tried to maneuver on my left soon went impetuous (the dread 1 roll) and ended up charging piece meal up a difficult hill and being mauled by PsO. Meanwhile the Galatian Cavalry and Chariots had usual fearsome task of trying to hold up a flank and where overwhelmed by Han Cavalry Light Horse and lots of Auxilia and Bowmen. Only up side for Celts was their CiC managing to kill oppossing Lh ally General (although it took two goes with a rear attack advantage !). Did kill two of my favoured Artillery enemies but only after losing two warband to 6:1s in melee !! Seleucid contingent was held to slow advance on my right by a group of two Han cavalry only getting into action in last couple of turns and too late to affect outcome. Really like the potential of Galatians (and one of my better painted armies) but suspect that pretty frustrating to use in competition except against a narrow spectrum of opponents. Fine for 'friendlies' or themed competitions not so for open style.
Hmm..............what to use.......................list to be in by 7th May so need to decide soon........................
Lots of crappy iPhone pics
The struggle on Celt left gets nasty
Warband dispersed and heading to doom on hill
Han deployment prior to big sweep to right
Celt left out flanked and out numbered
Seleucids form up
Han bowmen run away
Warband group cohesion being lost
Main warband command advances into target poor environment
Han deployment
Massed warband at startline
Celt left at deployment
Seleucids crawl forward slowed by enemy cavalry
Nice looking table. Warbands in every system are hard to use.
As a fellow warband user, I feel your pain.....!
ReplyDeleteJon "1" Smith