Saturday, November 03, 2012

Paths Of Glory - Vassal game

Just started a Vassal game pbem with a chap called Mike from USA (via AHIKS club) of Paths Of Glory board wargame.
Only on first turn and we are both trying to get to grips with the games rules, card play and the Vassal module.
But already this looks an interesting game with nasty Germans pushing forward on Western Front in August 1914.

Overview of Western theater

German breaking through and about to attack BEF


  1. Interesting looking game. Any Naval?

    1. Naval activity is abstracted through card play such as UBoats and Dardenelles Invasion there may be others but I haven't inspected the decks in depth

  2. As David says it looks really interesting!

  3. Another great looking game.

  4. it's great how you can get to play these games via VASL linking you up with players all over the world


  5. This looks cool. I've not seen much in the way of WWI boardgames.

  6. Looking forward to playing this in the flesh in the next few weeks at the KoffeeKlub in Larne. We like to play through agame once in person before we move to VASSAL. But I agree with Ian VASSAL is great.


  7. Anonymous11:23 am

    Hi Gary, this was the other choice for our 11 hour marathon session recently, but as you know Europe Engulfed won. I sort-of wish we had gone with PoG now as we may even have completed it - I've read that a single mistake can lead to game over very quickly, and I'm well known for my mistakes :-) Looking forward to reading about your progress on this.
