Decided to get some figures on the table for (yet another) solo game.
Played out 3rd session of the SOB Campaign I have been running solo with FOB3 over last few months.
Campaign had now progressed to Autumn (Fall for Yanks) with Prussians poised just inside Russian territory.
Several cards of the SOB system played resulting in a Move to Lichwicz by Prussians and some small Supply adjustments to Army Morale (-5% to Russians and +5% for Prussians).
Russians brought enemy to Battle at Lichwicz but an appalling set up roll (12 to 2 for Prussian) they saw the enemy pick an open map with Russians stuck on least favourable edge.
The Prussians also got a 30% boost to their Army Morale and 5 extra tabletop deployment squares, whilst Russians got only 2 extra squares and ability to define 1 piece of terrain (they chose to downgrade a Class II Wood to Class I).
Things all seemed to be going Prussian way prior to set up but they did roll poorly for Morale total (despite boost) whilst Russians rolled well seeing the Prussian 16 units having 21 AMP with the 20 Russians gaining 25 AMP, the Ivans obviously up for defending homeland.
The table prior to deployment (the poker tokens denote extra deployable areas) Note sparsity of terrain on Russian side (the fields are for decoration only)
I partially randomized the deployments which worked ok but did see the Prussian left wing mounted Brigade somewhat isolated on a hilltop.
Deployment completed with Prussians occupying high ground on both flanks but neither side able to deploy in the town areas at start.

Once battle commenced things just went awfully for Prussians as Russian artillery rolled extremely well and Prussian Move rolls saw several stuttering Brigades (in fact Infantry Brigade Kanitz failed to move 5 times !!).
Russian Infantry volleys were also much better than their superior opponents and Prussians were taking lots of AMP losses and indeed had a couple of units Routing.
Prussian Grenadiers approach the town
Brigade Kanitz fails to support their left flank
Russians advance on the town as more Infantry moves to confront Prussian Cuirassier
Russian Cavalry massed on their right wing
Supported by Infantry (three of these were lowly D4 Militia class)
Kanitz watches as battle erupts around the town and friends are engaged on his left with 2 Battalions routing (red plumes) from effective Russian Artillery.
A fairly tense action occurred around the central town as Russians managed to steal the march and occupy the built up areas.
Prussian Grenadiers did manage to dislodge the enemy but was only real Prussian success.
Action around the town as Prussian Grenadiers fling the Russians out
However static Prussian Cuirassiers are about to suffer
A unit of Frei Korps wisely stay out of trouble in the hilltop wood
Russians advance beyond the town to support their mounted wing
The town about to fall (the Prussians had to later retire from their gains here)
Despite lowly (D8) commanders for Russians they rolled well for Movement and got right into the face of the Prussians in numbers.
On Russian left their foot Regiments advanced upon the Prussian Cuirassier Brigade and simply blew them out of their saddles (they never recovered routing right off table) !!.
On Russian right opposing Cavalry clashed and after a poor Prussian charge the Horse Grenadiers of Russia soon put them to flight and this flank too was in dire straits.
Prussian Infantry suffering "Where is Kanitz !!??"
Mounted Wings about to clash on the hill
Russian Heavy Cavalry backs off from Prussian Musketeers, awaiting Infantry support
Overview showing how Kanitz (in center) has left other Brigades 'hanging'
Prussian left wing Cavalry in difficulties as their Commander falls (black plume)
Later the Prussian Cavalry has all but disappeared (one unit of Dragoons left and pulling back)
Forcing supporting Infantry to adopt defensive posture
Kanitz finally makes a slow move forward (only 1 meagre segment)
Casualties among Prussian Officer Corps was truly catastrophic as 3 of their 5 Brigadiers died in battle ! the Russian lost only 1 and so Prussian units suffered Disorders all across the line.
This then resulted in the Campaign ending event as Frederick stepped in to Rally a Routing unit which he duly did however on the soon appearing Army Moral Card he rolled the requisite 1 (on a D12) and was KIA !!!
Death of a King......................
The battle rolled on for several more cards but writing was on the wall for Prussian cause as they now suffered Down 2 on Move cards and indeed lost 4 Morale on an Army Morale card before Frederick was replaced by Seydlitz (a D10).
They did however actually manage to inflict some damage on the approaching enemy but had lost 6 units by this stage and all their Army Morale.
The next Army Morale card saw them defeated and with Frederick the King dead I decided to call an end to the campaign.
Several Prussian units have Routed off table (more would join them)
Prussian Grenadiers about to abandon the town as Russian Foot advances past on both sides
Dregs of Prussian Cuirassiers about to leave the field on their right.
Overview near the end as both Prussian wings have gone
A Russian General did fall on their left temporarily slowing progress
But elsewhere the Russians surge forward
The hill is theirs.
Positions at end as Prussian Infantry form a solid line from which to retire
Despite being forced to play solo this was an interesting Campaign and further evidence that the system and of course FOB itself is probably the best set of rules I have for solo play due to the inherent variability of the card sequencing, battle set up and unit generation.
Certainly better than not playing at all...........................