Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Black Powder Napoleonic game

Cordially invited to partake in a Black Powder Napoleonic game.

Game was generously hosted by Mike (and 'catered' by Ruth) with Bryn and Simon also taking part.

Game was fictitious 1812+ meeting type with French (Mike and Simon) against Russians (Bryn and I) using Bryn and Mikes 15mm kit.

Chaps have a few house rules (who doesn't with BP !?) mainly based on Clash of Eagles supplemental stuff and all fine (only one I mildly disagreed with was square being purely a reactive formation change).

Russians had 8 Brigades which nicely split into 4 apiece and game saw us set up 4 Brigades on table at start (rest could come on from turn 2 in specified order of march), French had 9 Brigades with again 4 starting on table (I squared off against Mike on our right and Bryn vs Simon on left).

Great game with plenty of action from the get go and as ever BP works well for such large games (30+ units per side ?) playing fast and furious with minimal rules issues.

Of course several things are tad ropey/gamey historically but it you want speed you must sacrifice detail is a truism in wargaming I find.

The melees are dice fests but do generate lots of excitement or angst. 

Bryan inflicted 11 hits in one melee but 9 were saved (!!) whilst he only sustained 3 hits but only saved 1 thereby generating a basic drawn result, very lucktastic but again fun in its on way and I do like how having sufficient supports is a way to tip balance of such outcomes and all done very simply.

On subject of dice mine were of both extremes with my cavalry Brigade failing 5 times to activate to move or charge and yet in one turn of shooting I rolled a 6 seven times in a row (unheard of !!).

By games end Bryn and I suffered no Brigades broken (despite several destroyed units) but French had 5 Brigades in broken status so a clear victory for Ivans. 

Great fun in good company and nice way to end the gaming year.

Pics of varying quality (lighting seemed fine in Mikes room but phone camera seems to have disagreed) and do not do justice to figures or Mikes very nice fleece mats, also seem to have loaded onto Blog in reverse order !

Simon of French right engages Bryns units

Russian right near games end with my cavalry (at last !) engaged and infantry pushing French back across stream

French had occupied visible area but now broken and forced to retire

Cuirassier clash to end game which I narrowly won (the supporting infantry column being difference) and Mike than rolled snake eyes to lose his Cuirassier and break his heavy cavalry Brigade

I had managed to maintain solid lines with reserves as French approached although the Legere in woods on right were a proverbial pain as cavalry not allowed to enter woods and skirmishers quite powerful in BP)

Mike using Google for help (nice WW2 para denizen smock on his wall)

Simon tries to move around wooded areas to outflank Bryn (his units were misidentified as Middle Guard but still failed to break Ivans)

Lots of combats on this wing

My cavalry have forced some Legere into square (which only real way to deal with the buggers as they just evade other foot). This square was pounded by artillery and then destroyed by charging Grenadiers. 

French heavy cavalry push along road but the Russians stood firm (I did lose one unit but passed key 'knock on effect' morale tests)

French skirmishers a real pain with their enhanced firing (hit on 3 rather than 4) and sharpshooter trait (re-roll failed shooting dice) and being a harder target. It was at this juncture I was trying to get my Cavalry to advance into combat but they refused repeatedly !!

My reserves arriving to occupy ridge line to stymie French cavalry advance. Bryns Jager have formed square after being charged

Rest of his Jager Brigade pushing left to outflank advancing French

Russian position around village looked precarious but they managed to hold then force the French back  

Action in center as French assault ridge with both opposing Brigades voluntarily disengaging (to save becoming broken and to rally) as we sent in reserves.

French infantry assaults with mixed success

Russian reserves arriving with Grenadier Brigade heading to right and infantry up road

Russian guns suffering (battery on left later destroyed) from French cannonade

Russians arrive on road. COE rule used wherein Russian foot have poor command control so must roll to activate by Regiment (ie 2 units) rather than Brigade, thankfully this seldom effected them.

French advance behind skirmish screen with Bryns Jager skirmishing on left

Bryns reserves arrive along road and nearly came acropper as French acheived a cheeky 3 move advance around wood to their flank, but they managed to re-deploy in time

My cavalry 'nailed' in place (disobedient sods) as Legere deploy

Sunday, December 29, 2024

New WW2 books obtained

Bought three books from Amazon (gift card pressie) all on a WW2 theme.

First is 'Arnhem: Black Tuesday' by Al Murray (of Pub Landlord fame) and this is an excellent read thus far (am about halfway through) covering British at Arnhem on key date. 

Have been watching on UTube over recent months the 'Walking The Ground' series (highly recommended) by Al and James Holland and this ties in with their current Arnhem episodes.

Also bought 'The Savage Storm' and 'Cassino '44' both by Mr Holland but not opened as yet. 

I have read his 'Normandy '44' and was impressed so looking forward to reading these be it in bed, chair, bath or on the 'throne' (if needing undisturbed peace).

Saturday, December 28, 2024

A part of hobby long neglected - model making

My son bought me a model kit for Christmas (consequence of our Tank Museum jaunt no doubt) it being a Tamiya 1/48th scale King Tiger 'Production Turret'.

Been donkeys ages since I built any scale model but did build several Tamiya vehicle kits (generally 1/35th scale) in my youth before wargaming came to the fore, which then saw a burst of 1/76th and 1/72nd scale kits of the Airfix, Fujima, Hasegawa and suchlike varieties (acquisition of metals in 6mm and 15mm killed this phase).

So opened box and was confronted with usual plastic sprues and instruction sheets.

Managed to build 99% of kit without problems but must confess the multi-part tracks (used to rubber versions) have me stumped at present but hopefully will sort and then can get to painting (another neglected hobby aspect)

Overall a nicely detailed kit and had forgotten how therapeutic building models can be 

The box contents 

A die-cast hull

Wheels assembled

Kit almost completed

The multi-part track puzzle 

How its supposed to end up ! 

Friday, December 20, 2024

Rapid Fire Re-loaded - Push on Capriquet Airfield scenario played

Played 'The Push On Capriquet Airfield' scenario with my son using Rapid Fore Reloaded (for which it is designed) as it is pretty easy to play and teach.

Steven took the 12th SS bunch and I was Canadians.

Pretty tough for Cannucks with objective at far end of table and lots of Panzers on your flanks but good fun game as lots of Tanks on both sides.

I set up a screen just outside Buron as well aware a KG would 'appear' (inactive until turn 3) on my left and pushed Bren carrier units and later a Tank Squadron down road into Authie.

We both took losses in initial exchanges of fire (my M10 Wolverine and Achilles first to brew) and the Hun artillery really punished any infantry targets their FOO could see (lack of allied artillery is unusual - but historically they out distanced their support).

My Typhoon support was singularly unimpressive throughout only causing a single damage to a PzIV and either failing to appear or being aborted by 20mm AA gun and eventually shot down by same (not clear if this ends all air support but we played that it did).

Eventually however Cannuck numbers began to tell and once all Panzers dealt with I was able to advance onto objective at Franqueville mostly unmolested although both my Battlegroups were very close to taking morale tests. 

SS being Elite in game are unlikely to fail morale especially if in hard cover and their remnants ended game in Abbey Ardenne being pummeled by my remaining tanks until I forced multiple morale checks which they eventually failed giving Canadians the victory.

Great fun with a straightforward simple and highly playable set of rules.

Loads of burning tanks at end (the tank vs tank system is very basic but it works in fast play setting and at scale of engagement represented).

Large church standing in for Ardenne Abbey being invested by arriving 12th SS units 

The 'northern group' set up ready for action later

Canadian armour deploys from Buron to protect road

SS attempt to interdict road from Authie to objective

Tank losses mounting for both sides

Authie under Cannuck control but also under fire

Canadian armour suffering

Panzers taking hits as well

Panzer IV near Abbey under constant fire (Fireflies very potent)

Mid-game view

Typhoon (Tempest model standing in) on yet another ineffective attack run

'Panzer Meyer' contemplates is mounting losses as Cannucks threaten 

Monday, December 16, 2024

Rapid Fire - Advance on Capriquet scenario set up

My big lad Steven due home on Wednesday for a week (hurrah) so decided to set up a Rapid Fire game for us and used the 'Advance On Capriquet' scenario from the Re-Loaded Canadian supplement.

Not decided if I will use Rapid Fire Re-loaded (most likely) or maybe Rapid Fire 2 but nice simple system either way to play and teach.