Saturday, December 14, 2024

Field of Battle 3 - Guldengossa scenario at Ulster Wargames Society

Club meeting today (delayed from last month) and I set up a Napoleonic scenario (adapted from Leipzig scenario book) of Action at Guldengossa 16th October 1813 with French (Mr B) attacking a Russo/Prussian defence (Dave T and Dave B).

Action covers afternoon period (1400 onwards) after French Grand Battery on Galgenburg Heights (off-table in this scn) has pummeled Allied artillery and a massed cavalry advance by 1st Reserve Cavalry Corps is forming supported by Infantry from V Corps.

Only one Cuirassier Division starts on table with rest of French arriving on successive Move cards with two light Batteries from Grand Battery able to join if desired.

Facing them are two Russian Infantry Brigades (from 1st and 2nd Corps) and two Prussian Brigades (9th and 10th) with four Brigades in reserve (high quality Russian Guard foot and mounted along with Cuirassier and Grenadiers) also on following Move cards (but with slight delay).

A light Cavalry Brigade sat as on table reserve on Allied right.

Great game as ever with FOB with French Cuirassier (I gave them an UP1 on initial charge in game to simulate Elan shown on day) managing to annihilate a Russian brigade but being stymied by Prussians (sensibly in square).

Only real check on French was the vaunted Saxon Cuirassier being Routed although they recovered almost immediately, but the Allies suffered several morale losses and Routed units (by comparison any losing French only fell back).

Allies not helped by two Brigadiers becoming Hors D'Combat (underlings Disordered) and initial two Reserves being delayed (dreaded 1 on D10) although the Russian Guard Cavalry and later their Cuirassier managed to get directly involved.

The Russian Guard Jager Infantry (best foot in game) and Grenadiers did eventually arrive but alas too late to effect outcome.

Russian morale losses mounted steadily and of course they ran out and failed the first ARmy Morale test taken so giving French the field.

Initial moves sees bulk of French force arrive. Grand Battery off table in center.

Cuirassier surging forward 

Riding down a unit of skirmishing Russian Jager that bravely/foolishly tried to delay them

French infantry in center

Allies defend Guldengossa

Russian Brigade about to fold between village and ponds

Prussian on Allied left wisely form square as Guard cavalry moves up in support

French exerting pressure all along line (couple of Allied units Routed)

Saxons have just rallied (in near center) after ignominious Rout. French Cavalry numerous on this flank (they all appear on right)

French and Russian cavalry clashed on right, with French losing a unit of Dragoons whilst Russians lost a Cuirassier and Guard Dragoons, but shore up a crumbling flank.

View from French right across the field

Square stand firm but losses elsewhere forced their ultimate retreat.

Also at club were couple of other games.

A Battlegroup game in 20mm with Adam against Andy umpired by Dave P set in Hungary 1945. 

Some really excellent paint jobs on display here and nicely 'animated' units and cool (groan) winter terrain bits. 

Believe Germans won this.

The two Jeremys with Dave S and Dave M (yes yet more Daves !) played a 28mm game using Dux Britannium (I think) with Saxons versus ? no idea how this turned out but more nice kit on display.

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