Saturday, October 26, 2024

Malburian game at Ulster Wargame Society

First post in a while after mate being off in USofA for 3 weeks (so selfish) and then hospitalisation of my Mum (thankfully back home).

Took part in a hugely enjoyable big game of Black Powder (its forte is quick play for large games) with a fictional encounter between French and Allies in War of Spanish Succession era at monthly UWS meeting.

Game was run by Bryn, Billy and Andy using their 28mm kit with Ian, Jeremy and I as willing participants. 

Super game with 9 brigades per side (mix of foot and cavalry with a few guns) which saw lots of action and events (not least an elite British Foot Brigade failing to move several times and failing to effect battle at all !) and was a win for French (Bryn, Billy and Jeremy) in the end.

A nice antidote after rather crappy week.

Also at club were a couple of FOGR games (Swedish vs French late 17th Century) with Dave T, Dave M and Dave B dont know how this turned out but I know Dave B managed to lose 4 generals in one session !

Phil, Leslie and Paddy had a game of On The Seven Seas (an Osprey set) which I saw very little of but looked interesting


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