Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Conflict Of Heroes: Storms of Steel! - Kursk 1943

Just ordered this online after being reccomended and reading several rather favourable reviews !! Expensive but looks good. When I will get to play it is another question !!


  1. Alright, you are now committed to play. Do I have to come over? I need a good excuse to visit Ireland. :)
    CoH Designer

  2. Hi Uwe

    Has not arrived yet (grrr) but really looking forward to this (will likely put a cramp in my miniatues painting)despite not having played a board wargame for years. I suspect I will try to convert system for miniatures (as if I dont have enough going on !)
    Feel free to visit anytime just note I am in the Northern bit :-)


  3. I have the first one Awakening the Bear, and hope to get this one, and what I really have been waiting for which should be out any day is the Polish supplement Price of Honor.

    Nice site, do you have a RSS feed I can sign up for to follow you?

    Please feel free to visit my site as well and comment. Im new to blogging but not war games.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. sorry, it used my email, I was saying I did find a way to subscribe to your site using my email, thanks. (asmarketing up above was my email log in, so I removed it so you would know it was me.) :)

  6. Hi

    Dont know how to set-up an RSS feed ?

    Looking forward to POH as well despite being brand new to these excellent games.
    Latest posting about planned 'expansion' counter set & points system is VERY interesting.
    That bloke Eickert has a lot to answer for :-)


  7. Well, I would try and help you with RSS feeds, but Im very new to the net msyself and I set one up, but not sure how to explain it too well.

    Here is a link to a site that was pretty easy to understand, I used it myself.

    Its a 3 minute video

    hope that helps.

  8. Hi FGR

    Thanks for that will give it a look.

    Liked your site :-)

