Saturday, September 18, 2010

A thing of rare beauty

Conflict Of Heroes: Storm Of Steel arrived today and after opening the weighty package I was very pleasantly surprised by the sheer quality of the game components they are simply beautiful (especially for a WWII game) in particular the boards and counters (if only Squad Leader looked like this !!). The counters in particular have a lovely heft with excellent tactile feel and are about 1" square and nice and thick (bit like myself). Brief read of slim and colourful rule booklet and it seems an elegant and playable system and nice to see some solo play rules included for several scenarios (sorry firefights). I think I am going to enjoy this. So impressed I am for ordering its pre-cursor Awakening The Bear

Couple pics of game on my table.

Firefight booklet and an Action Card

Initial firefight set-up

Close up of a Panzer Grenadier Squad counter

Some Ivan counters

The colourful rule booklet


  1. I've seen this and a few other recent games around and agree that they do look great. I'm a long term Advanced Squad Leader player (albeit on child raising sabbatical!) and I would love for ASL to look like this but it isn't going to happen. And I've got too much time/money invested in ASL to look at other systems.
    I'd really like to see some more pics and AARs for this though and read you views on it once you've played a few games.

  2. Hi Andy

    Bought ASL and several modules upon release but just never got into it like I did original Squad Leader (ASL seems more a way of life than a game !!). As I get older I seem to be tending toward less complex/more streamlined games (says the DBMM player !!) and COH seems to fit this bill and is in fact first board wargame I have bought in about 10 years !!. I suspect that if I was playing it exclusively (unlikely) it might reveal a lack of depth (unlike its counters) compared to SL/ASL but we shall see. I think there are several AARs at Board Game Geek for the game I think they are termed 'Sessions' in the requisite forums ?

