Friday, April 13, 2012

No Peace Without Spain - Vassal game

Just started a Vassal game (my first) via Pbem with an ex-pat Ulster chap (Norman) living in England who has a nice blog at
He has chosen the dread Bourbons and I the Glorious Alliance.
Getting my head around 'logfiles' etc and learning flow/sequencing of game in Vassal but seems pretty straightforward (despite my re-loading an older file by mistake once !) and NPWS seems very compatible with it.
'Standard' opening with Bourbons going first occupying Madrid and transferring some Corps plus a dastardly attack in Italy on the force of Eugene at Magua.
This was a draw (2 hits each) which caused French to fall back demoralized (defender wins draws).
Marlborough has meantime besieged Liege (after French failed to intercept and then withdrew leaving a Garrison) suffering a hit but reducing fort to 0 initially.
Leader in London has taken his 2 Corps by sea to lay siege to Cadiz without losses on sea voyage.
Still a good deal of first year 1702 to play.

Very interesting to play someone 'live' as it were.

I will likely do a post/AAR at end of each year rather than bits and pieces like this and will try to post some screen shots once I work out how :-)


  1. Sounds like fun, I'll look forward to the AAR.

  2. Anonymous8:28 am

    Hi Gary,
    I'm enjoying our game as well.
    I can't find a map capture button on the Vassal module so I ended up doing a "print screen" from Windows for my blog - not a great end result though.

  3. I use VASL for ASL, it has a camera icon on that mod. If you also have this just ckick on it and name the file (change location if desired). You can then open it with Paint and crop as required. Hope that helps


  4. Hi Ian

    will have a look for similar in this module

    Ta for tip
