Thursday, May 03, 2012

NPWS Vassal game 1704 turn completed

Finished 1704 turn of this intriquing Vassal encounter with Norman. Not a good year for the Allies with 2 unsuccessful sieges at Ostend and Antwerp, Marlborough failing to Bypass Fortification lines at Namur and Eugene defeated by Vendomme ! Bourbon fortunes on the up and up though as they successfully besiege Freiburg and Innsbruck (to Eugenes rear) whilst building up forces elsewhere and Boufflers marching into Spain. The Toulon fleet was launched and defeated the Allied fleet to gain temporary control of Mediterranean so overall a net gain of 4VP for the Bourbon cause.
Going to have to go all out next year with the Duke and dent Bourbons somewhere or the Allied cause might not recover...............
Great game this.

Flanders near end of year


Years end

Three blog entries in one evening !!!!


  1. I take it history is being rewritten?

  2. Looking that way but hope remains............

  3. If there's a silver lining for the Allies, the 7 to 4 replacement point advantage (thanks to Bank of England) means they can afford a much higher operational tempo than the Bourbons... assuming the action cards offer enough opportunities. But Eugene certainly is in a bit of a pickle!

  4. Hi Don (super game btw)

    My siege warfare has let me down past 2 turns and this turn I cant squeeze Austrian reserves past Innsbruck so Eugene probably safer back at Council !
    Need a Crushing Victory by the Duke or someone this year.............

  5. Anonymous6:45 am

    It's certainly an interesting game this one. As the Bourbon I've had success where I least expected it (around Eugene) so I'm pushing there and probably neglecting other areas. I'm sure the Duke will have his day - he usually does :-)

  6. This game really looks good, I may have to invest in this!!!

  7. Hi Ray

    If you want more specific info on this game give me a shout
