We hired a car at Gatwick this year instead of train and found it a bit cheaper and very much more convenient.
Our now usual gaff at Ibis Reading with standard 'out to stuff oneself on Fri/Sat evenings' at local eating establishments.
The show was usual heady mix of trade stands, demo games (although bit down on previous years we thought) and staring a competition games/gamers.
I went with plan to buy little if any lead which of course was subject to disaster after 'first contact with the enemy' !
Strange breed the visiting (starved of any shows) Ulster wargamer indeed as we always go through the same processes ie
a. Friday evening spent discussing what we plan to buy or not buy or look at and what we 'need'
b. then Saturday is a whirlwind of trawling the trade stands, purchasing items (for us with a caveat of 'will this fit in hand luggage ?') having arm dislocated by weight of 'must haves' etc
c. Saturday evening is spent fondling said items, thinking 'why did I buy these ?' and 'I must not buy anything more as I will never paint this lot' plus 'but i need just one or two things'
d. then its onto Sunday to a slower paced trawl but just as expensive
e. then back home to abject poverty and 'I really need some more of these/that' and more online purchasing.
I would not trade the experience for much else :-)
The haul
Some crappy old iPhone pics from show
Stalingrad in 1/35th scale !
One of my highlights Freustadt from Great Northern War

Meggido using Warlord rules (lots of Chariots)
Shiloh in 28mm

Armati games (these blokes play every year)

Napoleon at War rules for this one (nice figures)
LRDG type large scale game
Chain Of Command demo
Competition games ongoing
Kalistra displaying new rules with Romano British battle
A nice 15mm game using BattleGroup Overlord rules
An ECW game using 54mm figures
Two Wings Of Glory games WW2 and WW1 (on nice terrain mats)
The SYW Age Of Reason second day and includes 'contractual pic' of Messrs Brittain (or as it known as 'photo booming' nowdays
Wild West game which seemed to include a cattle stampede
Chain Of Command still going on Sunday
I took several more pics but too crap to use which included a very nice 28mm Samurai game and couple of Napoleonic games one using Age of Eagles, the other using Black Powder and a WW1 East Africa Piquet Field of Battle and Pickets Charge participation game which looked fun.
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