Wednesday, November 14, 2018

General D'Armee - McDonalds attack scenario played......and couple of new rule sets

Another go today with GDA using the included scenario 'McDonalds Attack at Bautzen'.
We had played this one initially but a lack of familiarity with the rules made for a less than stellar game for Stephens Russians.
This time round I was Russians and Stephen the French.
Having realised that hills in GDA are only useful for overhead firing with Artillery I moved off these in quick order to confront the French.
I was able to hold on my right but a failed Brigade Morale Test (ie Faltering) saw my left wing Brigade retreat.
In center a French Brigade used Infantry Assault order to push my Jagers out of a town.
I did throw my Light Cavalry Brigade forward from reserve but they failed to charge into a French Column as their massed guns helped shoot them off.
Unfortunately we failed to finish but the Russians were up against it and the French Cuirassier Brigade was as yet uncommitted.
All in all a much better game than our first try with scenario as we both now get that Brigades need deployed in depth to allow repulsed (retiring/retreated/routed) units to recover.
But we still keep coming up against several rules that lack definition (Fall Back, Skirmish Shooting and today Overhead Fire) which means much debate and page flicking, hopefully this will lessen as we play more.

Russian left wing and center

Russian center and right

Russian right wing

French arrayed

Action on Russian right

Russian Light Cavalry advances

Russian left under pressure

French Infantry prepare to assault town

New rules from Stand To Games arrived this week both based on the Over The Hills system


  1. Looking forward to reviews and BatReps from your new rules. Good looking Bautzen game.

    1. I have had a British AWI and a Confederate army for a couple of years now both unpainted. Hope to get them sorted next year when I retire :-) Butdo hope to get a game or two with these rules

  2. Great looking game. I've heard good thing about the ACW rules?

    1. Not tried yet but as they are based on the Napoleonic set they should play well.

  3. Nice looking game, Garry, and the rules junkie feeds the beast! :-)

  4. I love your posts and everything looks wonderful. I love your idea thanks for sharing.
