Sunday, June 07, 2020

Field Of Battle/Seasons Of Battle - Seven Years War solo bash update

Managed a couple of sessions with SYW game generated by Seasons Of Battle system and being played out using Field Of Battle 3.

After deploying both sides the Prussians have managed to gain the Initiative consistently (a D12 vs a D10) and have thus far made most of it too !

Their forward deployment gained through SOB meant they kept Russians out of the town sections which their skirmishing Frei Korps unit promptly occupied (I included a unit of skirmishing Infantry purely to test new skirmishing aspects of FOB and for variety as not a very widely used unit type by any SYW army bar the Austrians).

On Prussian right their Cuirassier Brigade had mixed fortunes with one unit smashing Russian Serbski Hussars outright by inflicting 4UI losses over 2 combats.
However a lowly unit of Cossacks forced their supporting Cuirassier unit back (twice now !!) despite seeing another Cossack unit Rout (this has now recovered).

In centre both Infantry formations have clashed with Russians suffering greater losses including a unit of Grenadiers shot to destruction.
One Russian Infantry Brigade has failed to activate and engage the enemy.

On Prussian left their Dragoons and Hussars were assaulted by Russian Cuirassier and Horse Grenadiers but despite being forced back initially they managed to Rally and Rout 3 Russian units.

Only Prussian Cavalry can use Assault Column in SYW in FOB3 which I thought was of little use (bit easier to manouvre) as now no upward dice level benefit in Melee but it does mean that when charging 2 Prussian unit can contact frontage of 1 Russian unit in line.
This garners a Down 1 for defenders, as outnumbered, so potentially potent as it so proved.

Charging Infantry in Line in this period is a hiding to nothing for Cavalry (unless foot well disrupted) as the foot gain an Up 2.

As it stands Russians in real difficulties with huge losses and currently no Army Morale left meaning Rallying is tougher to achieve and in danger of quitting the field on an Army Morale Card.

Prussians have taken significant Morale Losses but have managed to Rally off most hits on their units and have 'received' some Russian Morale Points (this can have an effect on level of Victory in SOB).

Will be interesting to see how this all works out in the SOB campaign.

Only second outing for FOB3, it being all brand new and all, and so far again liking the changes (particularly to the Period Specific rules).
I am using only 2 House Rules namely:-
1- Russian Foot can be upgraded by 1 level to the Quality level (to maximum of D8) at 'cost' of reducing Combat level by 1.
This generates Average units as C8 D8 units (compared to C10 D6) which I feel better reflects their Stoic reputation and preference for cold steel and their poorer firing abilities.
2- Close Artillery Range Bands I have reduced slightly as I believe Artillery in this period not as effective as later Napoleonic types (Up 2 at 0-4" and Up 1 at 4-8" with no change at 8"-16")
Otherwise playing rules as is.

My impression is that there seems to be less Routing Units than in FOB2 .
Rallying is a bit easier, especially for Routers and there a few differences I need to keep checking but nothing vastly different.
The new cards are well laid out and good aids to game play

I did like the old Pursuit rule of take a single hit if rolling odd, as now only Impetuous types (think British Napoleonic Cavalry) Pursue and they now take equal hits to those they just inflicted on defeated enemy.
In my game I have classed only the Cossacks as such Impetuous maniacs.

I have tried to limit my use of 'Daring Deeds' with my Officers and thus far none have suffered ill effects !

As ever FOB is fast playing even when soloing.

Session 1 - Prussian Cuirassier unit has pierced Russian Lines but friends have failed to do the same falling back from some mean Cossacks

General clash in centre around Town

Russian right wing

Frei Korps holding barely holding on to the town as Prussians envelop flanks

Session 2 - Things unchanged on Russian left as Prussian Cuirassier fail again to deal with lowly Cossacks

Action intensifies around the town

Disaster on Russian right as Infantry fail to advance and Cavalry broken or dead...............

Russians have had 3 Units Destroyed (2 on the field and 1 Routing off field)

Russian Mounted in desperate need of a Leadership card to attempt to Rally.
These Routs to table edge were caused by turning a Move card after winning a Lull.

Overview of poor Russian predicament.


  1. Glad your favourite rules update are working well for you. Changes to favourite sets can be a daunting expereibce, but these look like they are holding up well.

    1. Yes indeed I absolutely loved FOB V2, but glad to report V3 is once more a fine update to THE system :-)

  2. Thanks for a very interesting report and it all sounds good. I'd have missed the implication of cavalry attack columns well spotted.

    1. There are a number of Period specific changes/adjustments that one needs to take note off. Attack Columns get UP1 in Naps period still whereas Inf only get UP2 vs Cavalry whilst in Square.

  3. Replies
    1. Cheers 90% are Old Glory with a smattering of Essex, and Lancashire Games.
