Friday, June 10, 2022

Field Of Battle 3 - Zorndorf The Morning Attack scenario set up and tested

Planning a FOB3 game next week so was partially testing the scenario 'Zorndorf The Morning Attack' which I adapted from a Black Powder scenario.

Scenario depicts the initial Prussian assault on Russian right and centre at Zorndorf with a special rule for deploying Seydlitz and his Cuirassier across the Zabern Grund stream (which I have amended for FOB by use of Move card appearance rather than turns).

Table is 5' x 4' so unit density quite high (I may amend to 6' x 4') with 6 Prussian Brigades against 5 Russian (24 units vs 21 units) but should make for a quick and bloody game.

Whilst it has been a spell since I have used FOB3 it all came quickly back once I got to turning cards and playing through the systems and as usual it is just so much fast playing fun even as a quick solo outing.

Pics not great as using iPad which does not work too well in low light.

A couple of much brighter pics taken with phone


  1. Having refought Zorndorf a few times, I look forward to your version.

    1. As have I but this one concentrates on the main morning events, there is a second scenario for later in day when reserves committed on both sides.

  2. A fine looking table.

    1. Thanks and just added a couple of brighter pics

  3. Looks like it will be a great game.

  4. Looking good, and of course a favorite rule set!
