Thursday, October 12, 2023

A double dunter - Field Of Battle 3, Prague scenario and Stalingrad Advance To The Volga

Stephen at chez Steiner today (we missed last week as he was poorly after Flu/C19 jab) and we played a SYW game with FOB3 using a Black Powder based scenario I adapted for action at Prague 1757, with he using his Austrians against my Prussians (Browne's counterattack vs Von Schwerin).

This was a mighty quick game (think only lasted just over 2 hours !) as yet again Stephens dice were awesome in Shooting and Combat from get go and my casualty rate was truly awful (only my Rally rolls were decent)

I charged with my superior cavalry into his but won only one of five combats and he managed so many even rolls to not become Disordered and my cavalry wing just never recovered.

I later had a Cuirassier unit rolling a D12 +2 against an enemy Cuirassier on a D8 (previous hits) and still managed to be forced back with a hit which was par for course for all my mounted units bar one which routed an enemy Dragoon before being pummeled by two other units.

On Infantry flank my Grenadiers shot very poorly and Austrians inflicted losses including a single 12 to 1 Artillery shot that destroyed a Musketeer unit in place (it already had a hit)

It was so bad that I had instantly, or so it certainly seemed, hemorrhaged all my Morale (25 chips) and was gifting to Austrians who had lost a mere 7 at this point. 

Really should have called it but decided to fight on and indeed survived two Army Morale rolls in quick succession.

Curiously at this stage the Prussians woke up and began to roll some decent dice but just too damn late. 

I managed to inflict several losses (think Austrians ended up down 18 from their 35) but just no way back so offered terms and yielded the field.

Frantic and deadly fun this one ! 

I do so enjoy FOB but by golly it does seem to hate me at times :-)

Prussians arrayed before arrival of enemy (their finest hour)

Cuirassier and Dragoons formed left flank

Grenadiers in the centre

And a large Brigade of Musketeers on right wing

Front rank of Grenadiers who under performed all day

And vaunted Cuirassier (best cavalry on table) who were also pants

Large Austrian left wing Infantry advances

As the mounted debacle unfolds (I have 2 units Routing at this point)

Grenadiers taking losses whilst inflicting none (the story of their day)

With the FOB game fairly flying by I decided to let Stephen try out the Solo 'Stalingrad Advance To The Volga' with me making dice rolls for Russians.

Played through 4 turns and he really enjoyed the game seeing the depth of decisions combined with simple rules that make it so attractive a package. 


  1. Great looking game Sir!

  2. I am just setting the Stalingrad game up now, likewise to give my buddy a go. I saw a couple of days ago that RG have just sold out, but will reprint in 2024. I think they have a big hit on their hands.

    1. Anonymous11:39 am

      Hi Norm yes great combo of playability, complexity, components, gameplay, excitement and that ‘just one more try’ factor.
