Saturday, October 28, 2023

Ulster Wargame Society - Combat HQ game

Monthly Society meeting today and I took part in a WW2 game using Combat HQ 2nd Edition rules.

Game was a multi-player (3 per side) affair set up and run by Mike (my Vassal opponent) with 3 German Bttns facing off against 1 British and 2 US circa 1944.

I took the British contingent on Allied right with Bryn and Jeremy D, the Huns were commanded by a revolving contingent of Simon, Dave P, Jeremy M, Dave S and even Mike occasionally.

Combat HQ is a set I am far from offay with (have 1st edition but never used) having only played the occasional game with Mike.

My Bttn had 3 Inf Coys with support from Mortar and HMG Platoons with 2 Cromwells, an M5 Stuart and a Staghound. 

Not a formal scenario as such although both sides had objectives to defend/assault (dont think any fell on either side ?)

By games end I had lost all my armour but Inf was intact and had disposed of a PzIVH Coy, a Sd222 Plt and a Coy worth of PzGr. 

Not sure what the losses were to Yank colleagues or other Hun Bttns but think honours were similarly even.

It was a fun and slick playing game once you pick up the basics of the Dice Initiative/Command system and the fairly straight forward combat systems.

View from my flank along Allied lines

My nominal objective defended by PzGr (green markers indicate Unspotted status)

Later my Cromwells have pushed forward and engaged enemy with Staghound and Stuart in support, my foot lagging behind

Stug Coy advancing on Hun right

With PzIVs pushing along road on same flank

Brit Infantry Coy trying to get forward to support armour

Also at club were two modern games (was bit of a tank fest day).

Paddy and Phil (plus ?) had a 20mm game with Swedes (with S Tanks) against Warsaw Pac force no idea what rules.

Andy and co played another practice Team Yankee game.

The two Daves had a FOGR game with French vs Swedes circa 1690.


  1. Some great looking games Sgt!

    1. Not bad just missing some tanks and uniforms as background :-)
