Wednesday, August 28, 2024

L'Art De La Guerre - twin action

Another couple ADLG games today with Stephen.

First up was my Sassanids facing an Umayyad Arab force in lots of terrain with Sassanid Cataphracts failing to force back enemy horse before their lowly infantry and brittle elephants succumbed.

Second game was a humdinger (mainly due to awesome dice rolls from your truly for once) with Stephens Carolingians facing my Maurikian Byzantines (both fielding a Strategist). 

Very much in the balance this one throughout as losses even up to final turn when the loss of a unit of Skutatoi spearmen forced defeat on my lot.

Sassanids take on Arabs

Byzantines against Carolingians

Monday, August 19, 2024

No Retreat! The Russian Front - a Pbem update and some Andean Abyss solo

Still in midst of a Pbem game of No Retreat! with Mike and we are just starting Turn 16 (Nov/Dec 1943) with my Germans just about holding a line in Russia.

About to lose 2nd Panzer to event and I took several losses last couple of turns (which are expensive to rebuild in situ) so Hun line thinning out.

Ivans are looking very strong with bulk of their units improved.

Got to make a decision soon whether to hold (as per Mr Hitler) or to withdraw towards Reich to shorten line whilst no giving up too cities (hence VPs).

Great game


As no minis game this week am continuing to learn Andean Abyss, with close wins (in solo mode) for Government, FARC and AUC so need to concentrate on how to use Cartels.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Seven Days To The River Rhine - 10mm game

Game at Stephens and an outing for his 10mm 'modern' kit with Seven Days To The River Rhine rules 

An attack/defence scenario with USSR on offensive and USA defending with half points but with hidden deployment (50% extra counters as dummies and ability each turn to obtain extra Command Markers).

The hidden status is major boon as units only able to be spotted if they activate (usually by firing) or a Recce unit (Ivans had two BMD2) comes within 12" or foot sloggers to within 4" (good luck with that), MBTs and other AFVs cannot spot at all. 

Attackers have 50% more points but with extra Command rolls the defender often has same if not more Command points to play with.

As would be expected defender always get first shot whether on own Initiative Phase or as a Reactive action (they React on 3+ when hidden) which is all as it should be.

There is no artillery support (none in system) or similar which means no method to suppress an area even if units spotted so one need to expend lots of actions to try to place lots of Morale hits on or destroy individual units.

The Tactical Cards add a bit of flavour and random event type stuff and are nice addition to system.

Overall it is a fast playing and fun set with low rules overhead and I like the two actions per unit combined with the Reaction system.

Must give the WW2 Iron Cross version a read.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Andean Abyss a new acquisition

Managed to obtain Andean Abyss the original COIN volume which I have been on look out for ages.

This is second edition and an EBay purchase (been couple of years since I used EBay) for a keen price and in mint condition including a very nice set of counter trays and card deck holders (think they are from Cube For Me ?)

Only briefly read through rules but being Volume 1 it pretty standard COIN.

Government and AUC (right wing militias) along with FARC and the Cartels are the protagonists.

Game set up and hoping to get a play through.

A colourful game overall

The very nice counter tray to hold pieces with a 'click on/off' lid

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

L'Art De La Guerre - another triple whammy

L'Art De La Guerre again today at mine with another three games completed and lost against Stephen 

First up I used my Punic Romans against age old Carthaginian foes under Hannibal.

A classic match up and a game full of cagey moves and maneuvers until forces clashed.

I had great Pips throughout but correspondingly awful combat dice (theme for the day again) failing to win any significant match ups.

Second game I used Galatians (Elite version) against Stephens Seleucids (with couple of elephants) and again had awful combat rolls this time with less than stellar PIPs which not great for unmaneuverable Celts.

Seleucid mounted arm quickly overwhelmed my chariots.

Third outing I used Galatians again this time against Hannibals horrible lot. 

Carthaginians much more maneuverable although my PIPs were decent but again combats just awful.

Thursday, August 01, 2024

L'Art De La Guerre a triple outing (and extreme sadness)

Game at Stephens today and he choose to give LADLG an outing (not played since January) and we managed 3 games.

First up I used my Minoans versus Hittites, then it was my Avars versus Carolingians (under Charlemagne) and finally the Avars again against Thematic Byzantines.

Great to get 3 games played in a single day (second game was very quick) with fun set of rules.

Needless to say I lost all 3 although the Chariot game was pretty close.

Such tragic events this week in Southport (a lovely spot I have visited a few times) with insane and brutal murder of those three innocent little girls (hopefully other victims will fully recover at least physically).

Police saying it is not terrorist related but it most certainly has that 'feel'. 

Incomprehensible what motive for this madness by a 17 year old !!!!