Monday, August 19, 2024

No Retreat! The Russian Front - a Pbem update and some Andean Abyss solo

Still in midst of a Pbem game of No Retreat! with Mike and we are just starting Turn 16 (Nov/Dec 1943) with my Germans just about holding a line in Russia.

About to lose 2nd Panzer to event and I took several losses last couple of turns (which are expensive to rebuild in situ) so Hun line thinning out.

Ivans are looking very strong with bulk of their units improved.

Got to make a decision soon whether to hold (as per Mr Hitler) or to withdraw towards Reich to shorten line whilst no giving up too cities (hence VPs).

Great game


As no minis game this week am continuing to learn Andean Abyss, with close wins (in solo mode) for Government, FARC and AUC so need to concentrate on how to use Cartels.

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