Friday, September 20, 2024

L'Art De La Guerre - Normans vs Arabs

Game with Stephen today using LADG.

We only managed one due to excess waffling and army list discussions (in particular Vikings) with my Normans in Sicily against an Arab horde (not sure which possibly Aghlabids ?).

I completely fluffed my deployment putting my main command on flank instead of center and saw several expensive knights foolishly chasing Arab light cavalry to no avail !

A wall of supported Arab spearmen pushed into my other commands (thankfully activating a vacillating Arab Ally) and ground me down with only my own Arab spear doing any real damage

Been ages since Normans have see action and they really could do with basing revamp (as could my Vikings) as they are circa 1985ish (one of my first ever 15mm Ancients armies first seen under WRG 7th.


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