Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Might & Reason 10mm WSS part deux

Played out solo game tonight. Whizzed through another 8 turns (most only single pulse though) with night falling with neither side having acheived victory. Imperial forces had lost 4 Horse units and French only 1 but nothing decisive. Stephen hoping to attend my gaffe on Saturday so a proper head to head outing for these armies (will amend terrain a tad) using Might & Reason.
Game plays smoothly and quickly with minimum fuss which suits it grand-tactical scope.

iPhone pics yet again

Opossing Horse wings back off from each with casualties aplenty
(2 Austrian Currassier subsequently lost)

Austrian foot advance in centre

Cavalry clash on other wing with Prussian infantry moving
to support Austrian horse

More Austrian foot on left wing

Irish 'Wild Geese' advancing to the fray

French foot advance in centre after dithering about inactive for several turns


  1. hey Sarge!!

    nice post, always love a good after action report.

    Off topic, I should be getting my copy of Conflict of Heroes: Price of Honour - Poland 1939 on Monday, and will likely get in a solo reply to post on the blog.

    I was thinking of doing all the awakening the bear scenarios and posting them on the blog as well over time.

    Have you ever tried this program? It as a free electronic version of the 1st two Conflict of Heroes.

    maybe we could get in a game one day?


  2. Hi Steve

    Should have another post up tomorrow as playing a proper head to head mano et mano game with mate using this WSS kit.

    Ref Zun Tu I have this downloaded, & a Vassal version I think, but have never actually tried to use either !
    I expect COH would require 'real-time' play which could be a time zone issue but yes very happy to try it as one never rejects the offer of a wargame :-)

