Monday, November 22, 2010

Warfare 2010

Attended the ever excellent Warfare show at Readings Rivermead Leisure Centre on Sat/Sun in company of my regular wargame pal Stephen Brittain and his brother John. Usual overdose of all things wargame and usual overspend on all things wargame !! Some really nice terrain items on show for purchase in all scales not to mention some rather lovely ranges of figures even for periods/scales I have little interest in.
Met up with Andy Finkel (a Piquet enthusiast) for short chat.
Checked out several 15mm ranges of Napoleonic Prussians for my Lasalle project and was impressed with the Essex and Old Glory ranges and with Black Hat miniatures of whom I knew nothing. Bought several rule books (addiction continues...........) and of course a 'few' figures (some 15mm Selecuid types as allies for my Galatians and Adler 6mm WWII British -lovely little men those), several terrain items purchased and yet more dice (there has to be one of the millions in existence that doesn't hate me !?)
Rules obtained were Rate Of Fire (and its AFV expansion) Captain General, Twilight Of Sun King, PK Anchor Of Faith, Polemos ACW (after being talked into trying 6mm by Brittains), Metal Storm WWII and PK Theatre Of War.
Competitions were well attended and lots of furrowed brows and cheesy grins abounded. Several nice demo games on show altough strangely I didnt give them as much attention as I usually do.
Looking forward to next year already !

Only a few pics turned out useable from iPhone

Famous Pendraken helmet

20mm Bulge game (Thunderbolt rocketing an 'M10' Panther)

 6mm Napoleonic game on really big table

28mm Blackpowder Napoleonic game

 20mm WWII raid game (nice to see some old Airfix 'Gun Emplacement' bits in use)

25mm Armati game

15mm Not sure what this one is :-)

Another massive 6mm Napoleonic game

28mm ACW game (nice to see young enthusiast)

 6mm Modern game

The two chocolate soldier/sleeping beauty companions of mine unable to stick the pace.............wimps !

This one alleges he was watching Match Of The Day (through closed eyelids)

As for this specimen !! 


  1. Holy cow you have been busy man!!!!

    I havent been able to get out and see what you have added, nice eye candy at Warfare 2010

    Ill have to look through and get caught up.

    How goes it? I added some figs to my site painted by Ron, and Im hoping to add an AAR on conflict of heroes that Im playing over the weekend.

    Got some more volley and bayonet items to go up over December as well.


  2. Hi

    Yes have had lots of time of late to play play and play some more (but will be less in up coming weeks as extra duty shifts likely in run up to Christmas).

    Looked for new V&B at Warfare but none on sale.

    Hoping to give COH another outing soon.

    There are worse addictions :-)
