Sunday, January 08, 2012

I succumbed..........Again !!..................No Retreat ! The Russian Front inbound

Could not help myself after reading (and watching) several reviews of this game. So order placed with Boardgame Guru today and therefore looking forward to arrival sometime this week.

To be honest it was a toss up between this and 'No Peace Without Spain' as the subject matter is very appealing but it was out of stock everywhere I looked so No Retreat it was :-)

Also like look of this one a Seven Years War block style game.............................
it really is a disease this Wargaming lark !!


  1. Spend, spend, spend!! Looks an interesting game!

  2. Some folks have no self control, LOL!

  3. Like we knew you would......

  4. Well its some pre-Christmas overtime I'm spending and with interest rates so low no point saving it :-)
