Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Field Of Glory: Napoleonic game - Prussian versus French Autumn 1813

Game with Stephen today and for a slight change of tack from MEG (V2) I chose to try FOGN (V2).

Selected Autumn 1813 and my Prussians so Stephen fielded French from same period.

Been just over a year since we played these last so a bit rusty but soon got into swing of things.

I had forgotten how inspired the set-up process is with the selection of 'stance' (as amended by enemy). 

As it was we both ended up selecting Flexible Defence for which I became attacker.

Both ended up keeping respective Dragoon Divisions off-table in Reserve.

Game however followed familiar format of my being out-diced at just about every juncture (my units shooting today was truly dreadful).

Things did not start well when 3 Units of Cavalry engaged 3 enemy units and all 3 lost.

Just no way to recover from that in FOGN as too few opportunities to try to recover, mitigated only by the French Cavalry all being Spent (just as well as I had an Infantry unit nearby that failed to form square 3 times).

Stephens shooting was awesome with above average hits on my units with little impact on him by my lot.

After 5 turns my Army was mostly disorganized or wavering (or worse !) and his still mainly intact.

FOGN has nice system for victory and defeat and with over 30% of my army damaged compared to less than 10% of Stephens the game ends (no point flogging a dead horse)

This is unforgiving (no chance of a Marengo here) but does mean games are decisive and playable in 3-4 hours.

Hope to get another outing with these rules but with Covid restrictions returning here in NI/UK that may not occur for a period. 

I am personally a bit less on board/undecided than back in March as it seems rather odd to not be allowed to meet in our houses but we could in a pub and whilst two cannot meet together in a home several can at other venues, will have to have a ponder about issue..............................


  1. Very interesting, I've never played FOGN but it appears to give a good result. I've also just played a Prussian vs French 1814 game with a completely different result! The UK COVID rules do seem a bit odd. Cheers Greg

    1. FOGN well written and playable but very much a points based competition style (certainly less free and easy than Black Powder) but do give a good game.
      UK Covid rules all over the show at present.

  2. Lovely looking game. I think you did well to get back into FOG so easily after a years gap.

    As for Covid, I just think that every meeting less that we have socially with another human is a victory against the virus and that each of those occasions just helps the economy to rattle on without them having to take the restriction hit as well. I note New Zealand is doing very well, so there is light at the end of the tunnel.

    On the boardgame front, you might enjoy a little look at Antietam and Shiloh from Worthington Publishing, first two games in what promises to be a series with just 8 pages of series rules. My copies are en route to me, so can't judge until they arrive, but hopes are high.

    1. Hi Norm
      FOGN well written and some great how to play videos by author.
      Not a big ACW fan but sounds interesting with 8 page rules !
      As to Covid I agree in principle but since my social interaction is minimal at present anyhow bit grating to not be able see family etc except at bar/restaurant or similar. UK and NZ literally worlds apart :-)

  3. Great looking game. Thanks for sharing. How does this rule set compare to Shako II? If you’ve played it that is.

    1. Different scale to Shako II (which I love btw) as a standard 4 base unit represent a Brigade sized formation 3-4 Bttns with maybe 1-2 base substituted for a Skirmish, Artillery or Cavalry attachment. Units grouped into 3-4 Divns making for a Corps sized game. We like to have the option of a points based game playable in a few hours. Shako tends to need scenarios (although the standard OOBs with optional picks works ok). FOGN has a couple of accompanying army list books which give a lot of historically based variety. Both sets playable with same basing. I like both sets for different reasons but if pushed I would plumb for Shako for a deeper more involving game but slower playing overall. Minimal preparation required with FOGN which has a superb scenario/game set up sysyem.

  4. Sgt Steiner, would you mind opening comms with me at deltacoy1976 at hotmail.com, I have a question I want to run by you. Cheers Greg

    1. Sent to your id :-)

    2. Not sure f my reply got through to you ?
      Try emailing me directly on sgt dot steiner at btinternet dot com
