Monday, July 26, 2021

Heatwave board wargames

Managed to get a couple of board wargames in with my son Steven who is 'home' from England for 10 days (not seen him since late 2019 due to travel restrictions) and who brought a incredibly hot heatwave with him (several record temperatures recorded for N.I.).

Had planned a couple of figure games but room just too hot and sticky.

First up was the excellent COIN game 'Colonial Twilight' with Steven as Insurgent FLN and I as Government (French) playing the Full length scenario.

This proved to be a very close game, in fact a draw with us both scoring zero !

Then later a Combat Commander scenario with Steven choosing Russians (do not recall scenario title) defending in 1941 against Germans.

Another close game, but a run of Time Checks saw the game slip from Germans as time ran out before they could invest the last objective (which has large VP count)

Great to get some quality time with son after so long and with two fine games played.


  1. Quality time with offspring; always a good thing. I introduced a grand-daughter to AD1666 this weekend. She enjoyed it, especially because she wiped out my force. :)

  2. The heat has been a game stopper. I can’t set up mounted maps in my space as within minutes they start to warp!
    Roll on cooler and wetter weather on Tuesday :-)

    1. Yes been just too hot to trot and thankfully temps getting back to bearable, as Billy Connelly once said not good when us northern UK types start off as blue hued :-)
