Saturday, December 16, 2023

Spearhead - 'Summer Fury' scenario played

Our Christmas game today at Johns using Spearhead with his and Stephens excellent 6mm kit.

Scenario was from published East Front booklet entitled 'Summer Fury' set in August 1942 with Germans attacking entrenched Russians with aim to achieve a breakthrough (ie exit 10+ stands of enemy base edge) 

John and I took Nazis and Stephen and Mr P the Soviet defenders (Le Duc was AWOL being down in Fermanagh - well someone has to be I guess.)

A tough old slog for Germans against entrenched Soviets (who get lots of Ambush fire).

On German left Johns Panzers came a cropper against dug in Soviets whilst his PzGr had torrid time against Mr Ps infantry (John had so many 1 and 2 rolls whilst Mr P could not roll anything but a 5 or 6 !!).

On German right my Veteran Panzer Battalion outflanked and was doing okay against Soviet foot after discovering them with Recon elements and then assaulting with Panzers against Suppressed units. 

However the appearance of Ivan reserves turned tide here as T34s just too good compared to outnumbered/outclassed PzIII/IVs.

One Stuka sortie done huge damage taking out a full Company of Soviet infantry !

But German losses were such that they were not going to break through Russian lines (they had to additionally destroy 12 Ivan elements which they just about done) as we called game (on turn 12).

Great game with one of my favourite rule sets and so suitable for 6mm

My Panzers pummel Soviet lines

Johns Recce Abteilung advances in center against massed entrenched Ivan infantry

As PzGr and Panzers support

Panzer Battalion with 2 Coys of PzIII 1 Coy of PzIV and PzII Recce Coy (PzRegt HQ was attached) 

Forces heavily engaged as Soviet reserves appear with tough T34s the bane of the Panzerwaffe


  1. I haven't played Spearhead for years and years, so good to see it in action.

    1. Its a great playable system that works really well for scale it is set at and especially with 6mm kit.
