Thursday, February 27, 2025

Glory Is Fleeting - Peninsula action

Game today and I chose to use Glory Is Fleeting rules as I know Stephen enjoys these points based balanced style games and it saved my having to prepare a scenario.

I used a French army under Suchet in the Peninsula against Stephens British (1000pts) .

I do so like the battle set up system in this set with my ending up in Positional Defence against his Flexible Defence.

This meant hard for enemy to move any terrain pieces but conversely I had to deploy my entire army first.

British skirmishing is better than French as on first eligible turn he had 16 dice to my 12 and ended up with 3 'excess' skirmishers to place on my units.

These are just like in Lasalle 2 (an almost direct copy it seems) and really crimp the activity of units under their 'spell', reducing shooting and causing Morale Tests and linger like bad smells.

My inability to rid myself of them really hurt my efforts and the British had some excellent defensive fire rolls and I had several units reeling in Disorder or Wavered.

A follow up charge by British inflicted more damage and French soon beaten.

The system seems designed to be bloody and therefore decisive.

Been a while since we used these but game played smoothly with only one or two rule look ups (the QRS is pretty good).

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

New rules…….oh shiny……….. Battle Command Ancient and Medieval


Just bought new set just out from Piquet stable well in fact latest in Battle Command series, I mean how could I not and was it ever in doubt !?

PDF version as over $120 for hard copy from USA (over half in postage !) so will need to print off cards (not too onerous as only 8 or so per side)

Hope to get a gander later.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Passing of a wargaming art legend

Just heard last night of sudden passing on 21st of Roger B MacGowan (Born 1948).

So many of my early board Wargame purchases featured his iconic artwork and several are embedded in the gaming mythos.

Sad to see another 'name' gone.

Several examples with probably my favourite being the Squad Leader box lid

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Ulster Wargames Society - Field of Battle 3 - 'Zorndorf The Afternoon Battle' (pictastic)

Club meeting today and very busy it was too with several games taking place engaging a full 20+ chaps.

I put on 'Zorndorf The Afternoon Battle' with Field Of Battle 3 and my 15mm kit.

Only the one Dave of the 'Two Daves' (Dave B) available today so I got to take part for a change commanding the Russians against Prussians.

Highlights were my foot in center giving the Prussians a bloody nose and my Cuirassier on my left holding off superior enemy Cuirassier under Seydlitz at least initially. 

Less of a highlight for Russians were their lowly but numerous Hussars being decimated by enemy Dragoons and the Prussian heavies rallying and thumping my Cuirassier in turn.

Only the swamp area was saving my left wing being enveloped by Prussian mounted and I was able to turn some infantry to protect that wing.

I did succumb to a humiliating roll of 1 on a D12 vs a roll of 4 on a D4 in a cavalry engagement at one point but this was balanced by the sole Prussian Grenadier unit routing ignominiously to a musket volley. 

Elsewhere we traded casualties almost equally but this did run down my lesser morale (30 vs 35) quicker of course. 

Yet another excellent game with FOB 3 again going to the wire with my lot succumbing to Army Morale check just as Prussians were down to a mere 3 Morale themselves (although I had 'gifted' a couple of Morale to them).

Prussian left in front of Zorndorf

Russian foot in front of swamp

Prussian Cuirassier approach counterparts as Dragoons a bit tardy advancing

Prussian central Brigade suffering early

Bit later and my cavalry wing in real trouble from Dragoons and resurgent Cuirassier

Infantry engagement in full swing with Prussian Grenadiers routing (near wood)

View from Prussian right

The damage to Russian mounted arm was grievous in lost Morale points (two Hussar units already gone)

Russian foot deploying to cover flank 

Russian right wing 

End of game positions as Russians yield the field

Also at club several others games but as ever I have no idea how these turned out 

A Lion Rampant game run by Leslie and Phil with I think French facing English and Germans 

A game using Midguard rules and LOTR armies run by Jeremy D and Chris

A Battlegroup WW2 game with Dave P and Adam with more of his excellent kit late war Russians versus Germans

Adams superb painting on display or as I stated (in jest of course) 'You are a nice guy but I hate you !'

And last but far from least another epic 28mm game by Andy and co on a 18' by 6' table using Black Powder and a 'reverse' Malpaquet type scenario with French attacking Allies.
It had look of one of the large display games at a show.
This was still ongoing when I left and may still be going !


Was great to see so many enjoying the club, one of its busier days