I used the Minas Morgul army again as wanting to try to use them better.
We managed two games (in between waffling).
First up was a Roharrim force with 14 mounted chaps, some supporting foot and Theoden and Eomer.
This was fun with my Witch King and Troll getting fully into action this time and better use of Spectres (one drew a cavalryman to his doom as Orcs surrounded him)
I managed to kill both Eomer and Theoden (also set him on fire !) and hurl a Rider and his mount with the troll (fun trait) but still managed to lose the game as army fully broken ! First shooting volley by Roharrim was pretty good killing 5 of my lot but they do have 10 or so shooters (bows and throwing spears)
Second game was against a Last Alliance army (mix of Elves and Numenoreans) with Elrond and Elindel in charge.
Again my Witch King and Troll both got into action (Elrond failed to topple Troll) but much less successfully and again army broke.
Army maybe a tad small by Orc standards when including tooled up Witch King and a Troll but they are so desirable.
Nice playable game (if you can keep on top of all the special abilities and suchlike) and Stephens figures are excellent (most are 3D prints) and system a nice occasional change from 'proper' wargaming :-)
Lines approach each other in second game (Blogger keeps reversing pics)
The rather fetching Troll clad in armour and wielding a nasty 'toothpick'
Rohan riders and foot are so evocative of the humans in the Tolkien stories. That last fellow shown is not a human, I am sure of that!