Tuesday, February 18, 2025

A new set of old rules - WRG 1925 to 1950

Updated/'new'/revised version of venerable WRG 'Wargames Rules for Armoured Warfare At Company and Battalion Level 1925 to 1950' arrived today (forgotten I had ordered these).

Only had brief skim through but essentially seem to be a meld of original set with parts of the 'Modern' (at least they were then !) set covering 1950-1985 along with some other ideas from author (Bill Farquhar which I believe is a pseudonym) with revised armour classes.

Spotting is now deterministic rather than old set ranges but to hit system and converting hits to kills seems similar, though I do see mention of pure Suppression fire (hit points and area based) that I do not recall from early set.

For example the sequence of play now resembles the modern set

No QRS included (boo) but one is available from the Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/949803497279917/) as is link to Lulu print (rules £9.99 plus P&P) 

Will have to give them a good read through and a playtest at some point as nostalgic connection to original set.



  1. Yes, 'Bill' is a pseudonym, he said that for some reason Lulu was unable to print the QRS. I do have some memory of the suppressive fire thing from the modern set. I'm also looking forward to flicking through them and maybe setting up a game or two for nostalgia sake.

    1. John D. Salt it seems (no idea why subterfuge ?). Yes suppressive fire in modern version (hence the tack on here). Nostalgia is strong with this indeed :-)
