Saturday, March 01, 2025

Battle Command: Ancient and Medieval a solo playtest

Managed to print off rules from PDF and decided to have a solo run through with system.

Set up my 15mm Republican Romans against a Gallic horde and used random unit value generation (in hindsight I would likely go with standardized values as several of the lowly Psiloi types ended up with very potent shooting).

I used a mix of troops with Romans having Heavy and Medium Legions (armed with single shot Pilum) with similar cavalry supported by Velites (classed as Peltasts or LMI) with some subject Light Cavalry and Foot, the Gauls mainly Medium Foot but with a few Heavy types backed by Heavy and Medium cavalry, some Psiloi with Bows, Slings or Javelins and a couple of Light Chariot units for variety.   

Fielded 28 Gaul units (29 AMP) versus 23 Roman (21 AMP) and used 2 of my 40mm bases per unit so used half ranges/moves (as this is pretty much half the standard 6" unit widths from rules) which I thought might prove too much to handle, but thankfully not and did give me a good go with system.

The Roman ended up poor with a D10 commander and a couple of D8 underlings whilst the Gauls were Skilled and all officers were D12

A few new nuances for Ancients period especially with the deck which has 9 cards but with a Move (whole Army) and a Move/Shoot (again whole army) cards along with usual cards with a main 'event' and possible secondary action.

Took a bit to 'un-FOB' my brain to Battle Command but smooth once I got going.

Being Ancients there are a few differences in system with more in depth Evasion and Skirmish Moves (quite powerful option to 'shoot and scoot') and varied unit UI levels (heavy foot are 4UI, Psiloi types 2UI and so on) and of course levels of armour protection and more varied movement rates to take into account, but all fairly intuitive. 

As stated above some of the Psiloi shooting seemed very powerful (good rolls vs very bad not helping) with couple of Gallic heavy foot being Routed early on.

In fact the Gaul heavies were pretty poor throughout despite being classed as Crack and seemed to lose every encounter along with their cavalry.

The Gaul mediums fared much better against the Roman subjects but the losses mounted and soon the Gallic Morale had collapsed and they yielded despite better AMP and command quality.

Game flowed well although with more reference to rules than usual as I learnt going along.

System is broad brush in its treatment of ancient weaponry and suchlike (certainly compared to LADG etc) but thereby it retains its fast play and fun pedigree which is a major bonus.

Roman right and center await the barbarian onslaught (terrain set up using a Seasons of Battle card)

Subjects on left with cavalry on central hill (I later placed hills under battlemat)

The under performing Gallic left with heavy foot and light chariots

Their cavalry also utilising the central ridge with numerous medium warbands on right 

Eleven medium units with a light chariot and some psiloi units in tow

The Roman subjects facing this horde (Numidian light cavalry and some Spanish foot)

Birds eye view

Roman right failed to Move on initial cards (ridge now 'under cover') 

Gallic mounted arm pushing forward along with horde

Heavies also made headway

Gallic mounted out numbered Romans but failed to make use of this advantage

Roman right fully engaged (several Gaul units have routed)

Cavalry engagement in center going Romes way

Horde try to overwhelm the delaying subjects

Romans chasing off Gaul cavalry

Lots of disordered units on both sides

Romans hold.

1 comment:

  1. Nice write up. I'm struggling to get excited by this set... Psiloi routing warband sets off alarm bells. Is this merely a set for people who need OneRuleset to Rule them all?..(we have people here converting Impetus Rules to Napoleonics). i may hold off for the Pike&Shot least the shooty stuff comes back.
