Thursday, March 06, 2025

Brigade Fire & Fury - Champion Hill scenario

Game at Stephens today and he chose to use latest iteration of Brigade Fire and Fury (look away Ray) and whilst I have played several games using the Regimental set its is 20+ years since I used original Brigade level set so interesting to see this new version.

Scenario was an official scenario 'Champion Hill' from Vicksburg campaign with Stephen as attacking Feds and me as outnumbered Rebs in defence.

Good scenario (as are most F&F scenarios) with not too many special rules (main one being delay of Union flanking division which cannot advance closer than musket range for 7 turns).

Losses were initially very even but on turns 5 and 6 the Union charges managed to sweep 2 of my units from the field completely annihilating them after wearing them down and breaking another (D10 results can be vicious) for loss of 15+ stands and giving my Rebs a -2 to all future Maneuver rolls. 

I did have some Crack reserves arriving but decided that no real way back with Union reserves also appearing so called it early. 

Whilst there are a few subtle changes from original set and of course from Regt set the game was very easy to play as still same good old F&F system at heart and we had only a couple of rules to look up (although we did make a mistake with artillery targeting early on) and managed a full 8 turns from 12.

All kit and terrain from Stephens 15mm collection

Small Reb Brigade holds off outflanking Fed division 

Main Reb lines in woods and on hill with crossroad objective just visible

Two large Reb Brigades face off attacking Union Brigades

More Fed arive on flank but thankfully still stymied

Several disorders and low ammo results and stand losses on both sides

Later stages and my left has collapsed 

And defenders on hill have routed almost off table

Flanking Fed Division about to activate

The central Reb Brigade was soon to be swept away (it has already fallen back out of wood)

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