Scenario was an official scenario 'Champion Hill' from Vicksburg campaign with Stephen as attacking Feds and me as outnumbered Rebs in defence.
Good scenario (as are most F&F scenarios) with not too many special rules (main one being delay of Union flanking division which cannot advance closer than musket range for 7 turns).
Losses were initially very even but on turns 5 and 6 the Union charges managed to sweep 2 of my units from the field completely annihilating them after wearing them down and breaking another (D10 results can be vicious) for loss of 15+ stands and giving my Rebs a -2 to all future Maneuver rolls.
I did have some Crack reserves arriving but decided that no real way back with Union reserves also appearing so called it early.
Whilst there are a few subtle changes from original set and of course from Regt set the game was very easy to play as still same good old F&F system at heart and we had only a couple of rules to look up (although we did make a mistake with artillery targeting early on) and managed a full 8 turns from 12.
All kit and terrain from Stephens 15mm collection
Small Reb Brigade holds off outflanking Fed division
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