Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Glory Is Fleeting - French vs Russian Spring 1813

Another try with Glory Is Fleeting Napoleonic set today with Stephen using 1813 Russian Infantry Corps and I tried a Spring 1813 French Cavalry Corps list which made for a different game vibe.

I had 15 units of which 6 were Light Cavalry with 2 Dragoons, 2 Cuirassiers and backed by two Infantry Divisions from Infantry Corps with 3 Conscript and 2 Regular units, all were average with only 2 Skirmish attachments and no artillery (only 2 available in Cav Corps).

Russians had mainly infantry in mix of average and conscripts with couple of large units, 2 large Dragoon units and 2 Artillery units (nasty)

After the set up procedure I was on Flexible Defence and and Russian on Prepared Attack (I would have liked Probe or Envelopment but Ivans manged to take both these off the menu !)  

This meant his artillery units could set up up to half way and got 2 preparatory bombardment rounds which proved effective.

Good game and we learnt a few more nuances of rules including our misunderstanding the Reaction rules as we had been treating this like Interception Charges (from older editions) but this is no longer the case as no Assault Phase as such and such React options now occur after all Charges/Moves.  

We failed to finish (mainly due to waffling/discussion) but French in dire straits as most cavalry Spent, Disordered or Hors De Combat.

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