Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Field of Battle 2 - Katzbach 1813 scenario......the horror...the horror..........

Played Field of Battle game today with Stephen (in full on 'Dice Demon' mode !) using an adaption of a Gen De Brigade scenario covering action near Katzbach 1813 with my Prussians under Yorck attacking McDonalds French.

What a game it turned out to be with the Prussians being ignominiously crushed.
Stephens opening rolls for artillery were both 10+ with my target units managing lowly 1s and 2s seeing my troops decimated and routed in short order.

I had my Cavalry massed on my right but saw them all destroyed or routed in one charge phase by French as once again it was 'dice Demon' rolling high to my low.

And so it continued combined with an unlucky run of cards.
I had several units now routing and managed to win initiative (1 of only two such events) and tried desperately to turn 1 of the 4 Leadership cards in my Skilled deck.
However I managed to turn 1 Move and 2 Move One Command Groups cards and watched as my Routers all left the table before I could even attempt to Rally them.
Truly terrible to behold.

I did have a Brigade of Crack troops on my left but managed on 3 Move cards aforementioned to fail to move at all.
Then I watched as one these 'Crack' types Routed from shooting which I actually managed to Rally only to see his mates suffer exactly same fate.
I did however manage to Rout a French Hussar unit with my Guard Jager but they of course rallied before leaving table.

By this time my Army morale was gone but I did manage to pass an Army Morale roll (I really should have conceded but decided to fight to last).
Nothing seemed to go my way at all and my Landwehr were soon threatened by French light Cavalry and forced into squares which were subsequently shot to oblivion by an Elite French gun battery.

On next turn of Army Morale I conceded having been thoroughly hammered.

Despite this total defeat I stil enjoyed the game immensely as the pure excitement and drama of this rule set shone through.

There is always next time................................

The battlefield prior to deployment (Prussians waiting to deploy on left)

Opening Prussian advance note two Routing units already (red puffs) and several Out of Command (yellow 'puffs').........harbingers of things to come

French unharmed

French Cavalry massing on my right

French reserves arrive as their Cavalry sweep against my right

Prussian light Cavalry has disappeared on my right !

My Elite Hussars rout on my left

Landwehr reserves arrive into the maelstrom

Prussian right has collapsed and now threatened by French Cavalry


  1. That ‘full’ table looks absolutely lovely. I have been eyeing up the Great war Commander by Hexasim as a possible purchase due to your posts - thanks. Norm

  2. GWC is excellent :-)

  3. Looks epic!
    Had the real Katzbach gone like this, on the heels of Dresden, the Allies would have been in realm trouble!

    1. Hi played it before and lost as French so at least I am consistent :-)

  4. I hate it when he gets his mojo back like that !
    Looks like a good game.
    I'll get some time soon and set up an AWI FoB game and give you a shout.

  5. Anonymous11:56 pm

    Like the skirmisher "gap" bases, very clever. I play Piquet alot with Eric Burgess, you just never know with that game. Always fun though!
