Friday, February 04, 2022

L'Art De La Guerre Renaissance rules again - French vs Late Catholic 1643

Another outing for AdlgR using a later version (1643+) of my Catholic army against Stephens French.

So gone are the Tercio foot and Caracolle cavalry with Pike & Shot and Pistols in their stead.

Also got to try Dragoons and Commanded Shot (a marker on a unit).

Dragoons had us head scratching a bit as noted as being mounted Light Infantry Skirmishers we treated them as a LI type but they perform more as a sort of Light Medium Mounted, with 3UD shooting range (compared to 2 for other Musket armed light foot), 3 Cohesion and are not auto killed in open if caught by heavier types, you only really learn by trying them out on table.

Another fun and interesting game that had nice period feel combined with the overall straight forward play of Adlg system.

The Catholics of course lost mainly due to their shooting being awful..............

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