Sunday, March 06, 2022

Koenig Krieg 3 - photo dump of solo further play test

Played through a number of turns in solo mode using same table as last game and retaining Prussian force as is with my Russians as new protagonists to further explore KK3 rules.

Still struggled to decipher some of the vagueness within rules but hopefully our last play through and house rulings will allow a decent game, which they should do as we will all be playing from same 'Hymn sheet' as such.



  1. Great looking set up. As I mentioned in a comment in your previous post I use version 2, so I'm interested to hear your views and what house rules you've established. I've used Age of Reason a lot. I liked them but always had a raging headache after playing or umpiring them. Plus, they slowed down a lot when a lot of units were engaged.

    1. Hi Richard, we have been using a sort of mix of V2 and V3 as both sort of missing a few things. For instance V3 does not define if units can interpenetrate voluntarily but V2 specifies that they cannot. Not so much house rules more just local clarification on how will will play rules. EG can units oblique during movement & volley phase (allowed in V2 but seemingly not in V3 which has new 'Step To' rule sort of oblique at 1/4 speed) which we decided we would allow as easier. Main issue we had was firing arcs which are not very well defined in either set (V2 seems to have arc drawn from center of unit at 60deg whilst V3 seems to allow 45deg from any point/corner) we found under V3 that 3 units could fire on 1 whilst ignoring units to their front (see my previous post) so we now have a primary shooter and max of 1/2 dice 'split fire) from any 'supporting' friends but only if they have no target to their front (personally I would prefer shooting ahead only along flank lines but this was compromise we came too). Thats it really. I quite like AOR (V3) but do find it a bit staid at times.

    2. Thanks for the reply. With V2 I use a 45 degree firing arc from the centre. It's not perfect but it gets closer to the idea of firing straight ahead as the angle off the corners are effectively reduced. I'll watch with interest at how your future games play out.
