Thursday, March 01, 2012

No Peace Without Spain further investigated

Played a few more turns of this intriguing and enjoyable game. Bourbons holding fast in Flanders against a strong force lead by Marlborough (who just cant bring anyone to battle and has been poor at laying siege). Spain however pretty much under Alliance control with Habsburg Spainish having come into play along with Portugal. Savoy being fickle sods they are have also changed sides to Alliance. Eugene in and around Bavaria has had on and off running battles with Vendome with both trading success and losses. However in 1708 Eugene (with side kick Stahremburg) have just managed to gain a Famous Victory (first in game) at Nuremburg over Elector but with both Eugene and Stahremburg both dying (ie roll 12 on 2D6) in process !! This will give Vendome's army a definite target in up coming year.
Have to clear game off table to make way for another Dbmm game tomorrow so unlikely to finish but I must say I am really enjoying this even playing it solo as it has great flavour and a very playable system. Might be game to make me dip toes into Vassal play.

iPhone pics again...............

Madrid has fallen to Alliance

Savoy backstabs the French

Stalemate in the North

Famous Victory achieved at Nuremburg.................................... 

But at such cost as Eugene and Stahremburg are lost..............................


  1. I like the solo play element and what is vassal play?

  2. No 'proper' solo element to this game just me and myself learning rules by playing ourselves :-)

    Vassal is a programme that allows online or Pbem play of boardgames. No AI just virtual copies of games that allows you to move pieces play cards roll dice etc on screen. I have never actually tried it online but certainly tempted. Type Vassal into google and it should find site.

  3. Hi Gary, I've got a ftf game of this on Sunday so busy learning the rules. Although the rules seem quite straight forward, the strategies are less than obvious! There are some 1st turn only rules which make the opening moves fairly scripted (Marlborough at Liege, Bavarian at Ulm, alliance at Cadiz/Gib etc), but after that who knows...Norman

  4. Let me know how that goes please.
    Yes some scripting on turn 1 but I agree strategies more of a mystery. Tempting to go all out with the Duke but dangerous. Same with Eugene as Eastern area easy to get cut off in and again a defeat can be disastrous ! I found taking Cadiz not easy and was forced to withdraw at years end having failed so to do. But putting Alliance forces in to contest Spain and the Med seems necessary to avoid the -2VP per turn drain, conversely do French keep throwing 1 or 2 RPs into Toulon fleet ? I like the game as it throws up so many such tough/key decisions.

  5. Post-game analysis up on my blog - better late than never (as usual)

