Thursday, March 08, 2012

White Star Rising Board Wargame

Very nice surprise from postman on my day off as he delivered 'Nations At War : White Star Rising' game which I had forgotten I had on order from a few weeks ago as awaiting stock. Nice components and does not look too complex.

Of course yet more time needing to be found to give it a go !


  1. Time is always the problem I'm afraid....

  2. Anonymous4:43 pm

    Looks interesting - be keen to know how it compares with Conflict of Heroes.

  3. What a nice surprise!!!!

  4. Yes lovely surprise (not sure wifey shared my joy though).

    Re COH its slightly different scale more akin to Panzerleader with counters representing platoons rather than individual AFVs.
    Chit pull system to activate formations with possibility of 2 End Turn chits mucking up your plans (bit like the cards & tea break card mechanism in IABSM minis rules). Nice to see some British units included. Good video review by that prolific Marco chap at BGG gives good feel for the system (and sold me on trying it damn him !)

  5. I love the game engine they use. I play their World at War games but haven't tried this one yet. I'm curious if you like or dislike that the town names and terrain are all fictitious?

  6. Hi CPBelt

    Having been raised on Panzer Blitz/Panzer Leader the fictitious names is not a big issue for me. Would be nice to have real place names but only if tied to real maps (which would be either cost prohibitive or game specific like PB2 Hill Of Death).
    If the scn says we are fighting in Noville then for me thats exactly where it is :-)
