Sunday, March 18, 2012

No Peace Without Spain.........again

Had few hours spare this afternoon after building brownie points by 'doing' the garden (which I should have spent painting or reading FOGN) and could not resist another go at No Peace Without Spain. Another very enjoyable solo experience. Finished in 1708 as Bourbons in the ascendancy after having a superb 1707 during which they drew5  of the 8 Action cards of value 3 !! this allowed multiple campaigns and sieges that the Allied cause struggled to contain (poor Eugene died once again !) with Spain and Italy securely Bourbon and Vienna threatened. I really like this fast playing, light yet flavoursome game. Really need to get a head to head session with this game.

Map under couple sheets of glass (old TV table shelves) I ought to get some perspex

Strong Bourbon main armies in holding boxes

Allies hemmed in in Flanders after several failed sieges and battles

Main Allied armies also strong (but soon to be decimated)

Thankfully a couple of games scheduled for this Friday (No Retreat board wargame at mine) and Saturday (miniatures game at Stephens subject matter still to be decided) which I am really looking forward to as I have had a couple of crappy weeks at work.

I wonder if he had these problems.....................


  1. Nice stuff but an upcoming game can help spirits immensely I think....

  2. Anonymous7:28 pm

    That was some hand the Bourbons drew! Got another game of NPWS playing the Bourbons this coming Sunday - could do with that sort of hand.

    Trying No Retreat over Vassal e-mail at the moment - not going too well due to the card interactions :-(


  3. Hi Norman

    Yes rather horrid for Allies. Look forward to hearing about your next game.
    I am playing No Retreat face to face on Friday (suspect its only playable this way or live via Vassal?)
    Still up for NPWS vassal game which should be ok email as card interactions non-interruptive ?

  4. Anonymous8:22 pm

    Hi Gary, yes still up for a Vassal game.
    We had a game of NPwS at the weekend as promised, so I'm getting better with the rules - no card hands like yours though! There's a report on the blog if you want the gory details...
    Cheers, Norman
