Monday, April 08, 2019

Great War Commander - two Verdun scenarios played

Another session with this excellent game with my Dad.

Two meat grinding scenarios set around Verdun one in a wooded winter landscape (late 1915) the other on a 'moonscape' hilly area (early 1916)

Both large (by CC standards) scenarios with 12+ units each time.

Firmly into the era of trench warfare and artillery pounding and indeed the later scenario introduced us to despicable gas warfare (a lingering suppression effect) and flamethrowers.

Both scenarios had some German Guard troops who have high morale making them hard to Break and Destroy.

In addition to gas we realised we had been underestimating the power of the new Offensive order in that I had misread that it was 2 units that it activated, but this is not the case as it allows a single leader (of any rank or rating) to activate (to move and then fire) any chain of adjacent unbroken units in a 'human wave' style attack very reminiscent of 'All Quiet On The Western Front'.

I managed to win both scenarios with defending French but both were close run affairs with the Time Track 'Sudden Death' being my friend.

Great game and no 'bad' rolls to plague me as no feckin' dice to hate me !!

Staying with the Combat Commander theme I purchased this Battle Pack (only one I do not have), not a big fan of 'fantasy/alternative history' backgrounds but expect the scenarios will be fine.


  1. The 1940 pack does have some good scenarios, I'm surprised it is still in print.

    1. Hi Norm, got it off EBay but brand new.
