Played a cracking game of this excellent game with my Dad.
Playing the ‘short’ scenario but it went right to very last card in deck as it was last Coup card.
Any earlier revealing of this Coup card and it would have been a win for Dad with VC as they were at -10, NVA at -6 with Yanks at -5 and ARVN at -11.
However I got lucky with last two action cards as both had US then ARVN as first and second eligible so I was able to pass on one card (as VC and NVA both ineligible) then use last card denying VC and NVA any actions.
After some head scratching I managed to restore a couple of areas to COIN control (+2 for ARVN) then set two areas with Active Opposition to Neutral pushing VC total further down (judicious use of US Airlift and Train followed by ARVN limited Train and accompanying Pacify actions)
Further Pacify actions in Coup round with only 1 area falling to Agitation saw ARVN increase VPs and VC degrade theirs enough for me to win (using 2 player victory conditions)
Great game with a lot of swings of fortune and in the end a fortuitous last 3 cards for COIN factions.
Hoping to play a 4 player game this weekend which should be very interesting