Thursday, September 05, 2019

Star War Miniatures game

Since the chaps took a weeks break from their Eldritch RPG campaign (or that silly fantasy stuff as I call it although not always so politely !) they decided to play Star Wars Miniatures and I was invited along for a game.
We played at JBs and along came SP, RM (they know who they are) and Le Duc.

++Warning for Blogosphere if Le Duc ever posts a video or audio file of him playing guitar please avoid for your own sake ----- do not claim later you were not so advised ! ++

Fun game with some very nice (but expensive) miniature space craft (I inadvertently called them planes and was nerd slapped severely).
Of course the parallel with WW1/2 dog fighting is obvious (Lucas himself stated the inspiration for his space opera included this) but with of course requisite Star Wars twist.

Basic system is simple with a plot your move in secret (dials) then reveal based on pilot skill (lowest reveal first) then shooting/blasting also by pilot skill (but now highest acts first) .
Added in are of course various weapons systems and pilot attributes allied to varied craft stats along with several selectable upgrades/special abilities/weapons.

SP and I were the Rebel Forces of pure good the other 3 the Imperial Nazis.

I had 2 X Wings one with a superior pilot (rated 8) the other an average bloke (rated 5) both had a Droid for repairs, some craft are shielded but once these are gone its hits on your craft, and a couple of Ion Weapons.

Did not take long to get hang of plotting and 'flying' but I did keep forgetting the inherent abilities of my Pilots from time to time.

My 'Ace' did destroy (shoot down ?) or assist in doing so several Imperial craft; a Tie Advanced a couple of Tie Fighters and Slave 1.

However after suffering a debilitating critical hit (Cockpit Damage - not good in space) my Average bloke flew into a hail of laser fire and disintegrated.

All in all light game in the Star Wars genre which with Star Wars themes playing in background was great fun overall.

My X-Wings deploy with a Hawk in support

Imperials Slave 1, 3 Tie Fighters and 2 Advanced Ties

Millennium Falcon on our right - how cool is that !

Mass 'scrum' in centre which I managed to avoid

X-Wing on the 'six' of a couple of Tie Fighters as mate chases Slave 1

Slave 1 about to blast the Hawk


  1. It's a nice game yep.

    and for the blogosphere in general - my guitar playing rocks !

    1. Well I know if you play again I will throw rocks

    2. WaiT, are rocks more effective than laser cannons? :-)

    3. Well depends if you prefer a stiletto to a sledgehammer
