Saturday, September 07, 2019

More Fire In The Lake excellence

Another run out of FITL with my Dad this time we tried the Full scenario (1964-1972) to try out several different events including Pivotal Events.

This means all 6 Coup cards in deck (we went with historical mix of cards so 12 from 1964, 24 from 1965 and 36 from 1968 decks.)

Another truly great superb gaming experience ensued with the COIN system once again shining for us.

We only managed to play through to 4th Coup card (shorter 1965 game and counted it as a draw as ARVN and NVA both on -8 Victory levels.

I do hope to get a bash with this with 4 players someday.


  1. Looks interesting, however, as I imagine may be the case for many Americans of my general age, the Vietnam war is a very difficult topic. The anti-war protests and, near it's end, it's widely unpopular status psychologically inhibited US military action for another generation, as well as the general view of the military. It was not until the first Gulf War, fought by the all volunteer army, that the military regained the respect of the general US population. Had the war not ended in 1972, I would likely have been drafter in 1973, and served with great reluctance!

  2. I can understand the subject matter being tad sensitive (as is the case with all contemporary or near contemporary subjects such as Afghanistan and especially those involving insurgencies/terrorism ) but it is made by an US company (GMT) and US designers so.......
    It is a great ‘game’
