Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Colonial Twilight

Game of Colonial Twilight today with Stephen.
His first time with game and COIN system but was very easy to teach the mechanics although deliberating over and explaining options takes a while.
He took FLM and I the French.
We played the Full War scenario but it ended on 3rd Propaganda card as FLN had 31 vps
French suffered as 1st propaganda card took a full 11 cards to appear.
FLN then got a very good event card Peace Talks which stops FLN attacks but more importantly also French Assaults.
He also got Taleb the Bomb Maker which allows Terror attacks in the 3 cities for no Resource spend.
Once he got FLN pieces in then he could continually inflict terror and Neutralise city thereby reducing my VPs.
Without assault very tough to combat.
FLN also managed to get all their Bases on board
Think French need to utilise Garrison action more than I did but tough to do all you want of course.

Great game this so many options and decisions to make every turn.

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